Help with WoW Death Knight pathfinder


I have been trying to find some way to make a Death knight from WoW into pathfinder.

Now I looked into Antipaladin and well some of the stuff fits, most of it didn’t feel right or work how that class would, so I looked on the net and found a fan made class [!], but the problem is that it just has way to much going on with it and no GM or even me would allow such a heavy class into the game.

So I thought I try my hand at making one, I tried to keep it still based in pathfinder. Please look over it and tell me if its missing anything or its too powerful or weak and in what areas.

Here is the link. 89

Check this out. I made it a while ago and have been modifying it since.

Other notable spells/feats I thought of since then:

Magus Arcana-(spell blending:Summon Monster 1) with feat Skeleton Summoner

Animate Dead (Lesser), Vampiric Touch (To heal new undead minion/summoned skeletons or kill living)

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