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Dark Archive

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Noticed you don't have a thread. So now you do.

So, what's it like being the young guy?
What are your favorurite classes?
What are your favourite races?
Least Favourite?

Liberty's Edge

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It's...weird. I kinda feel like I have to pull dobule duty to show I can roleplay.

I enjoy the Fighter. I like fighting stuff.

Human. I stick with what I know.

Least favorite race is Elf. They're a bit...overdone.

Dark Archive

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lucky7 wrote:

It's...weird. I kinda feel like I have to pull dobule duty to show I can roleplay.

I enjoy the Fighter. I like fighting stuff.

Human. I stick with what I know.

Least favorite race is Elf. They're a bit...overdone.

I know how you feel and Long live the fighters.

So you like hitting stuff, ever heard of Paths of War?

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Do you feel lucky punk?

What movie is the above from?

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If you had three wishes what would they be?

Liberty's Edge

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I have not heard of PoW.

I feel lucky, and it's from Dirty Harry.

I would wish for
1. All wishes I make (including this one) are answered with my INTENT as opposed to what I SAY.
2. The ability to grant my own wishes.
3. A finite but arbitrarily large amount of wishes.

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Why did it take you so long to get back to this thread?

Liberty's Edge

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I keep forgetting it exists.

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Do you have a bad memory?

Liberty's Edge

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That's what my boyfriend keeps telling me.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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What don't you tell us about yourself a little?

Liberty's Edge

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I can't go on deviant art. I prefer Star Trek, though.

As for myself... I am an (almost) 15 year old guy from Connecticut. I got into roleplaying games through TotalCon2012. I mostly play PFS, and am currently attempting to organize a regular game with my friends.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm also bad at answering questions.

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Why are you bad at answering question? Probably means you are a bad test taker,

How was your weekend?

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So what was the adventure on your birthday like?

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How come we rarely see you make an appearance anymore?

Liberty's Edge

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I just have a subjective relationship with the truth. THAT weekend was great.

The adventure was a siege, with the party playing the defenders. I advertised it as dangerous, with multiple character deaths (everyone had 3). Not a single PC died, and they lost forty men to the two THOUSAND I lost. Bunch of hosers.

Make an appearance where?

Liberty's Edge

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Yo. I am here to answer ALL of your burning questions.

Liberty's Edge

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Lord Fyre wrote:

Star Trek. DEFINITELY Star Trek.

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So how are you doing?

Liberty's Edge

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John Kretzer wrote:
So how are you doing?

Okay-ish. I'm looking forward to a game I can actually PLAY in sometime this month, as well as Daredevil coming out on Netlfix in four days.

Liberty's Edge

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Writing a Batman story, for some reason.

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Nothing wrong with Batman, but why'd The Bat pop to your typing fingers 1st?

Liberty's Edge

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The Fiend Fantastic wrote:
Nothing wrong with Batman, but why'd The Bat pop to your typing fingers 1st?

I don't know, to be honest. Part of me's just always liked the idea of a guy who dresses as a bat and then runs around cracking skulls, but after reading Watchmen I saw him in a new lens.

Liberty's Edge

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Shameless bump.

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Hey, what's the story behind the name 'lucky7'? c:

Liberty's Edge

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7 is my lucky number. I was born on the 7th, I was 7th on the waiting list to get into my middle school...that's about it, really. And that was years ago. Plus I think it sounds cool.

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lucky7 wrote:
7 is my lucky number. I was born on the 7th, I was 7th on the waiting list to get into my middle school...that's about it, really. And that was years ago. Plus I think it sounds cool.

7 is a good number!

9 might be my lucky number.

Also since I notice you are unfond of elves: how do you feel about a campaign setting in which elves (not dark elves, not drow, just regular old elves) command a sprawling, expansionist empire in which they have enslaved all the core mortal races?

Liberty's Edge

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That sounds cool, but the problem is that it might create NPCs who can hit without being hit back.

I'm actually more fond of the Witcher's (the books, haven't played the games) idea: pure elven culture is dying out. It creates more opportunites for roleplay (regardless of whether you play as an elven codger or a more human-adapted elf), which is always a good thing in my book, and it's a deal more believable.

It has...historicity.

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lucky7 wrote:
That sounds cool, but the problem is that it might create NPCs who can hit without being hit back.

Yeah, it has created this to an extent, but I don't see it as a problem, unless I'm not understanding what you mean.

I always decided that my setting would be chaotic stupid-proof, in which one would not necessarily get away with disrespecting NPC's possessing power/authority.

I also decided that this would be a somewhat (but not incredibly) brutal and unforgiving setting in which common sense will get you far in the ways of survival, but murderhobo logic will not.

Liberty's Edge

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Yeah. NPCs being able to hit you (etc.) is a personal sore spot for me because of the main villain in a game I'm playing in, Ragnarrok, some sort of deity (whom I have affectionately nicknamed Randy). He's basically one of THOSE NPCs who seems to know that they can't be hurt. Luckily, I brought my A-Game in terms of character building, so my plan is

Bit violencey:
+Beat him into unconsciousness
+Strip him naked
+Tie him to a pole
+March him into the center of town (where he is a worshiped deity)
+Beat him up some more.
+Let him go, discrediting him and hopefully causing some of his flock to move to greener pastures.

I'm actually a fan of the murderhobo aesthetic when played straight: people treat adventurers like you or I would treat a heavily armed and armored stranger with unknown motivations, who seek only to cause more violence and leaving oceans of blood in their wake either intentionally or unintentionally.

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whoa that's pretty brutal.

I do not mean that it is impossible to hurt my NPC's, just that for some in lofty positions of authority, it is hard, like it should be. The empress is actually level 20 (or possibly mythic level, once I read up on that rule set) and well protected by her personal elite guard that is at least almost as experienced as she is, so only impossible unless you're also really high level and use strategy instead of mindlessly swinging swords.

I agree about when NPCs treat murderhobos the way they would logically be treated. In my setting, if you act like a murderhobo within frontier borders and news of your terrorizing towns begins to spread, you will get a bounty on your head and imperial frontier watch and local constabularies will attempt to detain you, or possibly even kill you if they think it's too dangerous to try to take you alive. After all, it is what governments would actually do.

Liberty's Edge

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Yeah. In mine, it's sort of waived for tax purposes.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm also GMing a Rise of the Runelords campaign, and have discovered my talents lie in misdirection, mayhem, and general mindf*ckery. So...I can help with that if you need it.

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you ever thought about developing stories? oh wait you have. i bet you could write some game of thrones level s@@$

Liberty's Edge

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...I have never read ASOIAF, nor seen the series (Mom&Dad say it's too old for me), but if it's half as good as "The Heroes", that goes down in history as one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.

Liberty's Edge

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I should probably elaborate on that.

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lucky7 wrote:
I should probably elaborate on that.

You should.

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lucky7 wrote:
...I have never read ASOIAF, nor seen the series (Mom&Dad say it's too old for me), but if it's half as good as "The Heroes", that goes down in history as one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.

Me telling kids what they should and should not watch is futile and not my idea of a fun time, but your mom and dad have the right idea.

If you don't think you can handle a show full of more blatant rape, sexual violence and misogyny than you can shake a stick at (and the show is honestly worse than the books because the tv writers are trash and thought that inserting more rape than is actually in the books would be fun for everyone watching), Game of Thrones might not be for you.

There is a reason why I do not actually recommend people to watch the show, I just tell them what it contains, and it's up to them whether or not it's something they can or might want to watch.

That being said, it is a well-crafted and complex story with lovable characters and a deep, interesting setting. It just also happens to practically be the Kill la Kill of western high fantasy, sans the military junta academy and the near-naked battle suits.

Also I have a guilty pleasure for Jason Momoa.

Liberty's Edge

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Well, the Heroes (written by Joe Abercrombie) is...perhaps my favorite book in the history of ever. Everything about it WORKS for me: the ups, the downs, the humor, the pointlessness of every action our heroes take. It sure as hell ain't for everyone, but it is most definitely for me.

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Have you ever read The Crystal Shard, by R.A. Salvatore or Azure Bonds by Jeff Grubb and Kate Novak, I highly recommend both with the latter being the better of the two :-)

Also you must listen to The Ziggens :-)

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Hey lucky7, time no see.

What's the sickest/most disgusting/most disturbing monster you ever threw at your party?

Liberty's Edge

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captain yesterday wrote:

Have you ever read The Crystal Shard, by R.A. Salvatore or Azure Bonds by Jeff Grubb and Kate Novak, I highly recommend both with the latter being the better of the two :-)

Also you must listen to The Ziggens :-)

I tried The Orc King by Salvatore, and just kept wishing that S.M. Stirling had written it.

I have no clue as to Azure Bonds, but I'll definitely take a look (and the Ziggens thing).

Liberty's Edge

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The Fiend Fantastic wrote:

Hey lucky7, time no see.

What's the sickest/most disgusting/most disturbing monster you ever threw at your party?

Hm. That is a toughie.

Rise of the Runelords parts 2 and 3:
My players just went through the Graul farm, and I added in some Pickled Punks that Mammy Graul threw at them. I also altered the Skinsaw Man to use all of his obsessions, and that freaked them out.

I honestly have now clue what I'd want to throw at them next. Do you have any ideas?

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The Orc King sucks in comparison, do not use that or any book written after it to gauge his work, read The Crystal Shard and Streams of Silver, both classic books :-)

And definitely check out Azure Bonds and The Wyvern's Spur both super awesome!

Liberty's Edge

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lucky7 wrote:
I honestly have now clue what I'd want to throw at them next. Do you have any ideas?

Well, i do, since you're asking.

Module Hangman's Noose:

There's a monster, undead, called the Gutdragging Lurcher.
It's an undead humanoid with 4 20ft reach entrails wriggling out of its body.
Full attack= 4 20ft reach rotten tentacles entrails which, upon a successful after-attack-improved grapple, will automatically seek the snug space of the PC's throat.
Ok, roll DC 14 fort or take 1d6 non lethal dmg.
Especially effective vs Tien females.

The sorceress called it gross, OOC. Nifty, no?

Liberty's Edge

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Liberty's Edge

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I have recently discovered that I sound far older than I actually am.

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