Order 3320000 - shipped?

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

Looking at order 3320000, it claims that the books shipped on 2014-11-19, but no UPS tracking info is available, I never received the books, and I have no access to the PDFs. What's going on?

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

This looks like some kind of processing error/glitch in the system. I'm sorry for any inconvenience or confusion. Shipping for the Battles stuff ended up getting delayed because of some shipping bugs (more details in the November thread.). The warehouse was just recently able to start processing the bulk of them.

The Battles case was processed recently, as part of a wave, and should leave the warehouse in the near future. The rest of the items are currently on a packing list, with means they should be processed and leaving soon.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.

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