Giuseppe Capriati |
Wondering about future Pathfinder RPG Player's Companions, I came to think of what would be next, when "Blood of X", "X hunter handbook", "X of Golarion" will have covered all existing races and enemies. I accidentaly came up with two ideas that I would like to discuss with everyone willing to read. Even though chances that these proposals could actually turn into reality are scarce, this could be simply viewed as my personal wishlist: not monters for the next bestiary, nor a specific archetype to play with; just a whole product line XD
1. "Classes of Golarion": The basic idea is that each volume provides setting-specific infos on each class. For example, "Paladins of Golarion" could feature a section in which most plausible paladin's faiths are analyzed region by region, a general overview of how each region sees paladins, region-specific paladin archetypes, mount choices, spells, magic items, equipment; but also presenting famous paladins of Golarion, notorious paladin-esque organizations around the Inner Sea, rules for joining them and so on. "Fighters of Golarion" could focus on region-specific archetypes and combat styles or feats, fighters NPC to add to home-campaigns based on those feats and styles or on the region in which the adventure takes place, fighting schools, renowned fighters, and so on; "Rogues of Golarion" could instead focus on Golarion thieves' guilds, description of archetypes more suitable for each region, an overview of how each region sees crime, how it's punished, what type of crime is overlooked, and why, where, etc.; "Clerics of Golarion" could finally focus on religions and how their priests are seen region by region, with specific archetypes for each faith, a list of temples and religious organization for each country, etc. This way, all of the classes would get some love, and none of them would be neglected, with each volume providing specific informations and ideas to anyone willing to play a character of that class or creating NPCs who are part of that class.
2. "Organizations of Golarion": This would function identically to Seekers of Secrets and Pathfinder Society Field Guide. Well, this would maybe function better as Campaign Setting than Player's Companion, but the sense of the proposal remains the same: give some love to Golarion's organizations other than PFS. Red Mantis Assassins, Hellknights, Aspis Consortium, etc. all are in need of a sourcebook providing additional lore, player options and setting specific informations about how and where they operate throughout Golarion. Usually those informations (where present, such as for hellknights) are scattered around APs, Campaign Settings boxes and so on, but are lacking of a unified and systematic analysis that could add some great in-depth into Golarion. Just imagine how good would be to have 3-4 new archetypes for Hellknights, specific feats for each order, specific spells that only Hellknights are teached to use, new hellknight armors (maybe light and medium?), new weapons (maybe an hellknight flail is different from the standard one?), new alchemical items, new animal companions or mounts best suited to hellknights, new materials for armors and weapons, a specific code of conduct for each order, a list of renowned hellknights complete of stat blocks, an overview of how each class could better fullfill his duties as a hellknight enforcer. That would be great!
I ask mercy for my probably awful english, but this is the first time I embark on a long post here on the messageboard; but the will to share my ideas was too strong. Maybe just because I will love to get my hands on books like those I've proposed!