Dekalinder |

So, i was pondering on next-level-cheese stuff and I got an idea.
When 2WF yu are not required to have both weapon in hand at the start of your turn.
So, for example, your are allowed to strike first with all your main hand attacks (single hand grip ofc, no 2H), then Quick draw an additional blade and perform all your off hand attacks as long as you have first declared your intention at the start of your turn by taking the appropriate penalty (-2 or -4).
What an i getting at is, can i declare 2WF, attack with my longsword in my right (main) hand, then switch it in my left (off) hand, and use it for the extra attacks granted by the 2WF rules?

Shiroi |
The balance problem with this is simple : I can't, in good concience, as a DM, allow two different characters in my group to use TWFing and only require one of them to purchase two magic weapons. How lame would it be that because A stuck to the spirit of the rule he had to buy two +3 daggers, but because B decided to cheese it he can instead buy one +5 dagger and use it in both hands?
Also, most of those extra attacks don't come from being fast enough to swing 6 times in 6 seconds... they come from creating an opening in your opponents defenses with one blade, and striking with the other.

Shane LeRose |

It's a cool idea for a fighting style or a feat that allows you to do this, but with an increased chance to be disarmed or just a general weakness to combat maneuvers.
I mean, who here hasn't seen Princess Bride? Also, there are plenty of youtube videos of swordsmen switching between one handed and two handed (though not many swap handed).

Dekalinder |

Didn't the FAQ for 2WF with greatsword and spiked gloves/boot blade implied that the weapon amount is a semplification, where the only real mechanical significance should be attribuited to number of hand and of attacks?
I was really picturing this guy doing and horizontal right-to-left swing, letting the weapon drop to his left hand before doing a left handend uppercut, spinning on itself while the weapon was midair, befor doing a vertical slash with the right hand.
I realize you can do it at 11 BAB but that's too late.

wraithstrike |

Didn't the FAQ for 2WF with greatsword and spiked gloves/boot blade implied that the weapon amount is a semplification, where the only real mechanical significance should be attribuited to number of hand and of attacks?
I was really picturing this guy doing and horizontal right-to-left swing, letting the weapon drop to his left hand before doing a left handend uppercut, spinning on itself while the weapon was midair, befor doing a vertical slash with the right hand.
I realize you can do it at 11 BAB but that's too late.
No. That FAQ was only saying that since your off-hand has already been used for the two-handed weapon that you can not use it again. In order to TWF you must use two weapons. It never said a second weapon was not needed, and core book clearly calls for a second weapon.

wraithstrike |

In Alpha, there was a feat, Weapon Swap, I believe, that allowed for this.
Now, I think the Quickdraw Shield, combined with the Quick Draw feat, is the only way.
How is that supposed to work. You don't need a feat to change a weapon to another hand. It can't take anymore time than removing one hand from a two handed weapon to cast a spell. TWF actually requires a second weapon.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:How is that supposed to work. You don't need a feat to change a weapon to another hand. It can't take anymore time than removing one hand from a two handed weapon to cast a spell. TWF actually requires a second weapon.In Alpha, there was a feat, Weapon Swap, I believe, that allowed for this.
Now, I think the Quickdraw Shield, combined with the Quick Draw feat, is the only way.
I agree, but, it was/is a weird place in the rules.
Much like two-weapon fighting with unarmed strikes only.