Paladin - Warrior of the Holy Light - Balance Check

Homebrew and House Rules

I have a player who is playing a Warrior of the Holy Light. We recognized immediately that it was under-powered, and as a bit of compensation, I adjusted his Divine Bond to allow for both a Mount and a Weapon. Despite the no-spells handicap, he's been doing rather well mechanically.

However, he says he played the class because of the Shining Light, which he really likes; and considering how much channeling he does it seems fitting... but we only play to 8th level (E8 game), which he didn't realize when he made the character.

Is there any reason I should not let him have Shining Light at 8th level as one of his post-leveling options? We typically grant 1 "feat point" (usable for either buying a feat or other feature) per game. I'm thinking a 2-"feat point" cost to let him after a couple of games, buy his desired class feature. It would be a DC 17, 4d6 feature, which seems balanced to me... But... I've also not seen the feature used in game either, so thought I'd give a check here before allowing it. :)

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