Tome of Wicked Things- Redux (Little Red)

Product Discussion

So way back when, we released a book called “Tome of Wicked Things”. It was our first “tome” (I believe) and cover material on antipaladins. However, during our audit it got pulled by us because we felt it did not meet our current quality standards. That being said, we have revised, expanded, and redesigned elements of it to be up to our standards and it is going to be re-released this weekend! As with all of our redux products, anyone who had previously purchased it will receive a free copy of this new and vastly expanded book.

Tome of Wicked Things Redux is all about antipaladins and other evil player characters. Included in this vile tome is:


  • Playing An Evil Character: How to play an evil character in such a way that your party doesn’t behead you is a difficult task. We’ve laid out some rules (a sort of “contract”) that allows an evil character to function within an otherwise good party. This can be helpful to GMs who want to allow an antipaladin (or an otherwise evil character) into a party but has reservations due to the roleplaying implications.
  • Lawful Antipaladins: We include rules for converting chaotic antipaladins to a lawful alignment, allowing them to play “nicer” with good party members.
  • Antipaladin Alternate Racial Traits: 9 new racial favored class bonuses for antipaladins!

    Antipaladin Archetypes

  • Black Knight: Less of a “demonic paladin” and more of a “evil cavalier”.
  • Bravo: A knave who blends elements of a rogue with an antipaladin.
  • Dark Angel: A good aligned antipaladin archetype that uses evil to fight evil... at a cost.
  • Disciple of Discord: An anarchistic antipaladin rather than a strictly evil one.
  • Infernal Champion: An evil chaplin with 6 level spellcasting (like a bard).
  • Warbound Berserker: An antipaladin who literally goes into an uncontrolled rage (limited character control) when possessed by a demonic spirit.
  • Wrath Reaper: A true “death knight” in that they have a deep connection to the underworld and slowly become an undead themselves.


  • Dark Masters: we introduce pacts and loyalties as a mechanic for feat selection.
  • 11 New “vassal” feats to help you better be connected to your dark patron.

    The Psychopath Base Class

  • A psychopath is a psychologically obsessive serial killer with a knack for never getting caught. They are fiercely intelligent, predatory, and adept at utilizing fear effects to disable their prey.

    The Torturer Base Class (Designer Spotlight)

  • This base class is a wicked character with a whip (or other torture implements) who can inflict status effects based on the damage they cause.
  • Designed by Sasha Hall

  • Now live on DriveThruRPG!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hey uhm I know that this isn't the purpose of this thread but I had emailed you guys my questions about classes introduced in heroes of the east but never received a response. I hate to do this here like this but with out an answer playing these classes will be difficult. Could you mind answering them or tell me a proper place to ask these questions

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    This book is amazing... just putting that fact out there! This material is a goldmine for games such as Way of the Wicked, Throne of Night, ect., at least as far as PCs are concerned. GMs will get heavy use out of it as well. So go buy it!

    I'll probably review it sometime later this week, though I am unsure when I will get around to it.

    We got a few questions on Daitengu and the magical missing chart. We are working on it (it is slated for an update this sat). It seems like it got clipped out during our last update somehow (InDesign has a mind of it's own when it comes to charts/tables).

    I missed your email, I apologize. Which email address was it from? (If you want to PM me, that might be better).

    Glad you liked it! It is perfect for games like that or even if you want to play an evil character in an otherwise good party!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm going to have fun siccing a Psychopath on an unsuspecting group of PCs! Also of use to PCs is the Dark Angel archetype for the Antipaladin, FINALLY making it usable in most groups!

    I REALLY want to see a game where someone pits a psychopath against a detective (from Detective's Handbook). Like either the BBEG is a psychopath (if you are a detective) OR a detective (if you are a psychopath). Or even a little "Dexter" style fun could be in order (a psychopath in a party with a detective). Heck, mix in the Judge from our Law & Order book and it's REALLY going to be a party!

    Edit: An yeah, Dark Angel is totally for the good aligned character who wants to play an antipaladin. It comes with a price, as I'm sure you know, but to me that's just a LOT of fun!

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