[Christina Stiles Presents] Mundane No More: Texts and Tomes 2 by Rich Howard

Product Discussion


Author Rich Howard designed a PDF series to take advantage of retraining from the Ultimate Campaign book called Mundane No More, Texts and Tomes. The 2nd in the series, The Lands Beyond, presents Asian-themed tomes. Here's some information about the series:

Words. We love them. We’re gamers, after all. From novels to rule sets to textbooks to cereal boxes, non-magical language is the foundation of our imaginations. So why is it that PCs rifle through libraries in search of spellbooks and magical manuals while leaving generations of carefully cultivated knowledge strewn under their muddy boots?

Mundane No More: Texts and Tomes, remedies this by turning fantasy (and modern) libraries into treasure troves of knowledge. Mundane texts provide opportunities for any literate member of an adventuring party to retrain unwanted feats, refocus their skill ranks into areas helpful to the campaign, and to gain rare and exotic recipes for poisons, inventions, and, yes, even magic items.

Game Masters can use mundane texts to introduce plot twists, foreshadow events, patch holes in a party’s skills, and provide characters with the knowledge to confront enemies to come.

Within the pages of Mundane No More: Texts and Tomes you'll find:

● A four-tier ranking system that describes the knowledge each text contains and how your characters can benefit from it.

● A system for using tomes to retrain your character's skills, feats, spells and more, compatible with the retraining rules found in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign.

● Detailed crafting-recipe rules that encourage characters to research the creation of mundane tools and weapons, alchemical preparations, and magical items as opposed to "knowing it all" with a single skill rank

● Creation rules for mundane texts.

● A dozen pre-built tomes and manuals of all types and tiers ready to drop into your campaign right now.

Don't wait, pick up a copy and add the power of the written word to your character’s arsenal!

Dotted for interest.

I already have the first, and although I've only glanced through it, I liked what I saw.


Rich has a third one near completion on periodic repositories. I think you will like these.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This expansion is very solid, and has a good deal to interest for players and GMs working their way through the Jade Regent adventure path.


Rich had been playing that AP, so I'm sure it was on his mind when he created these.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is relevant to my interests.


Christina Stiles wrote:
Rich has a third one near completion on periodic repositories. I think you will like these.

That was psionic repositories.

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