Oracle Optimization


(Semi-rambly post. Apologies in advance.)

(Character Sheet)

I've reached the point in my campaign where I am totally lost as far as how to continue building my character, and need assistance/wisdom/advice.

A bit of background:
Currently, I'm in a Crimson Throne game that's been going on for six months now. My group is as the final boss of book two. We're all Level 7. The party consists of:
- A Human Cavalier and his trusted Poodle of War
- A Catfolk Ninja
- A Human Magus
- A Half-orc Witch
- And me, A Human Life Oracle

It hasn't been until the last couple of big fights, that I became aware that I don't know what I'm doing. Basically I made a 'Brainy' Oracle, thinking I'd be able to fling spells in a fight, buff allies, and be the Face of the group.

I did become the face, but at Level 7, I can't really contribute much of anything to a fight. Takes too long for me to buff our multiple front-liners, and I just end up throwing Channels on Undead or allies. Combat is a painful slog for me. I feel too uncertain to really multiclass, since I'm the only 'dedicated' healer. Rest of the group has either potions or wands. And I'm nervous that might not be enough, and stay in the Healer role.

My DM has been kind enough to let me re-spec at the beginning of Book 3, because of my consistent complaining. And since that's the case, I've considered either going for the Oradin/Holy Vindicator. Caster wise... I have no clue. I don't believe he'll let me move around my attributes, but feats may get swapped around.

I still wanna keep with the theme of my character, a man of faith, intelligence, and wit, who's gotten this far without the use of brute force. Some of his more notable achievements are on his sheet under the list of plot-related characters. Made possible through Diplomacy and using his head.

But, if I'm to stick with that, how can I make him fun to play, mechanically?

'fun to play' depends on the person. It sounds like you want to be active, but you made a pretty reactive character. However, it also seems that you want to continue to be able to be reactive (i.e. heal and condition removal).

I would suggest maxing out use magic device and supplementing your spell casting with some cheap, but effective wands. Mudball is a great one for example. If you delay until right before the ninja you can blind someone during the ninjas attack with a simple touch ac attack. While it won't do a lot by itself, it will improve everyone else's attacks.

Are you using summon monster? Those are great spells that a brainy tactician should be able to use to dramatically effect the battle.

It looks like you have set yourself to be the 'safety.' Your character steps in when something goes wrong. Which of course means if things don't go wrong, you don't really have a job (which is probably fine for the party but pretty boring for you.

One last option I thought of, is the dazzling display feat. If you invest in intimidate you can wave around your mace and demoralize all nearby foes, which is a pretty serious debuff and doesn't use up any resources.

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