Nesterin Elbauthin Marikoth |
Any suggestions on what to do with 12k gold for my pfs snow elf conjurer? He is 8th level with 35 fame.
Snowball focused, rime, intensified, ect.
Spell focus (conj)
Spell specialization (snowball)
improved init
elemental spell: electricity
magical lineage (snowball)
warrior of old (+2 init)
cloak resistance +1
ring of protection +2
Head band Int +2
amulet natural armor +1
wand lesser acid
3 pearls of power 1st level spell
I'm fairly good at damage, etc.
I could use some defensive boost, so.....
upgrade cloak to +2?
buy belt of con +2??
upgrade headband to +4???
any suggestions
Iterman |
Summon-Slave Crystal
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Weight —
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp
This thumb-sized crystalline skull is carved with necromantic runes. Once per day, a spellcaster can grasp the stone while casting a summoning spell. When the spellcasting is finished, the caster may immediately attempt to possess the summoned creature, as if using magic jar, except as a free action. The creature does not get a saving throw to resist, though spell resistance still applies. If successful, the caster possesses the creatures' body until the duration of the summoning spell ends, at which time his mind returns to his body, the creature's mind returns to its body, and the creature disappears.
Craft Wondrous Item, magic jar; Cost 5,000 gp
Fruian Thistlefoot |
Upgrading your Int headband is also acceptable. but there goes the entire 12k to 1 dedicated item.
I would probably Get the Plague rat belt and upgrade the Cloak of Resistance to a +2 which is 8,200g
Leaves you room to buy a wand or some expendables as well as adding more spells to your book. But people tend to not think as highly as I do about expendables and minor items that add up and they jump right at the big ticket items.
Nesterin Elbauthin Marikoth |
Upgrading your Int headband is also acceptable. but there goes the entire 12k to 1 dedicated item.
I would probably Get the Plague rat belt and upgrade the Cloak of Resistance to a +2 which is 8,200g
Leaves you room to buy a wand or some expendables as well as adding more spells to your book. But people tend to not think as highly as I do about expendables and minor items that add up and they jump right at the big ticket items.
The reason I've only got 12k is the last scenario I played was with another wizard. We traded a total of 60 or so spells, 40 for me and 20 for him. I actually have 5th level spells in my 2 spell books.
I keep about 20 or so first and second level spell scrolls around. So I'm good there to.
Plague rat belt looks interesting