forgotten realms map

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance that Paizo has the 4 poster maps from forgotten realms 2nd edition for sale in download (dragon 287-290). I would like to reprint these at my local photo shop, but I cannot find the downloads available anywhere.

Shadow Lodge

Dragon #287
Dragon #288
Dragon #289
Dragon #290

All availible as PDF.

Liberty's Edge

If you're going to print these, I would suggest taking some time to make sure they're going to line up properly. Some of my maps were off by as much as an inch when I put them together. It has something to do with the margins and blowing it up from the original.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, it might even be best to export the images as four huge image files, and use a graphic editing program to line them up and save it as one gigantic image file, and then take THAT to the shop to be printed.

Before you do this, make sure the final image file you save is in a format that the printer can accept. Preferably a lossless format as well, since you're going to be doing quite a bit of editing before it's ready.

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