Am I trying to do too much? The Sanctified Slaybuckler Inquisitor Huntard


I am looking at building a character either to run as a helpful NPC in my game or a catch all character in a game of non-optimizers. The basic concept I am going for is a 1 Vanilla Swashbuckler / 12+ Sanctified slayer inquisitor with the feather domain. This build is insanely MAD, like all 6 are important enough to prevent dumping any of them.

This character will have fairly high defenses and saves with parry/repost and dodge from SWB as well as dex to hit, CE with charisma, and martial weapon Prof. Sanctified Slayer will bring SA and studied target as well as opening up ranger weapon styles at level 8/9. Feather domain + Boon Companion + Combat Expertise + Pack Flanking will allow for nearly 100% uptime on SA and Studied Target. 7 skills per level plus every skill other than UMD, DD and Handle Animal as class skills and good supporting stats will open up a lot of skill monkey challenges. All rounded out with a buffer/healer spell list.

Race: Human
Stats (20 point buy) Str:10 Con:14 Dex: 16(18) Int:10 Wis:14 Charisma: 14
Skills: Lots, party specific either perc/surv/stealth/K-Na, Dipl/Bluff/SM/K-loc, or K-A/K-D/K-PL/Kn-R with Handle animal and a lesser mixture of the rest.

Feats and class features:
1st: Lvl1:TWF, Human:CE, SWB1:Weapon Finesse, Martial Weapon Proficiency
2nd: INQ1: Feather Domain, Medium Armor, Light and Heavy Shields
3rd: Lvl3: Imp Shield Bash
4th: INQ3:Precise Strike
5th: LvL5: Boon Companion, Level 5 AC, SS +1d6 SA, Precise Strike changes to Pack Flanking
6th: INQ5: ST to +2 and BANE
7th: LvL7: Double Bane, INQ6: Opportunist
8th: SS 2d6 SA, swift ST
9th: Slayer Talent: LvL 2 Ranger Shield Style: Shield Slam?, Lvl9: Extra Slayer: Lvl 6 Ranger Shield Style Shield Mastery
10th: INQ9: Lookout?
11th: Lvl 11:ITWF, SS 3d6 SA, ST to +3
12th: A gap? Inconceivable
13th: Lvl 13: Extra Slayer: LvL 10 ranger: Bashing Finish, INQ12: Team Awesome, GREATER BANE

Fighting Style: Either Rapier main hand and a spiked light shield offhand, both dex to hit, or Heavy Spiked Shield of Bashing main hand and a short sword offhand. Both heavy and Light spiked shields are 1hand or light piercing weapons so should work with swashbuckler finesse. After getting Shield mastery but before bashing finish the heavy shield combo would be best and even after it still may be the best option.

Issues I can see:
1:Without Agile Maneuvers my shield slam bull rush will only work against wizards and children.
2:I want all the skills but I can’t have them.
3:Encumbrance will need to be watched.
4:With so many overlapping rules layers I’m sure I missed something.
5:Repost/Parry Main hand shield slam free bull rush is a terrible name for an action.

Please lend my your thoughts on how to improve the fit, function and form of this build with quotes from at least 3 suppliers in the standard format powerpoint.

Well, the very first thing I noticed about your build is that you're overspent by 5 points on your stats. You are currently at 25 points. Your 16 stat is 10 points, and then 3 14s are 5 a piece for 15. So you'll need to rework that...

And to be honest, I do think you've got a little too much going on there. Your static damage is going to suffer horribly unless you make sure to get an Agile weapon. Even then your build is putting stock in being able to flank and get your SA in. Just something to think about!

Faelyn wrote:
Well, the very first thing I noticed about your build is that you're overspent by 5 points on your stats. You are currently at 25 points. Your 16 stat is 10 points, and then 3 14s are 5 a piece for 15. So you'll need to rework that...

Quite right I did copy down the 25 point build rather than the 20 I'll edit that.

Static damage is a consideration that bothered me and one of the main reasons I usually do not make finesse characters. I had hoped that between Studied Target, Bane, animal companion, and Sneak Attack as well as the cheap +5 spiked shield through Shield Master it would be ok. With everything else going on I don't need to be the top damage dealer in the group.

Use light weapons and Piranha Strike?

You know, I've always found it silly that a rapier is not considered a light weapon. Or at least usable with Piranha Strike.

If you're not worried about dealing a lot of damage, then I feel like you should be okay. I love Dex builds, but yes... you really have to devote a lot into them to match what a Str build can do normally.

For your stats... I'd suggest making the 16 a 15, and then drop Wis 1 point. That will put you at 20 points. And then allow for easy bumping at 4th and 8th. Something to think about.

Grand Lodge

First thing I notice is that you say you're relying on parry & riposte for defense but you don't have Combat Reflexes.

I have played with many groups that allow a Rapier to be considered a light weapon for feats such as Piranha Strike. You may want to check that over with your DM.

claudekennilol wrote:
First thing I notice is that you say you're relying on parry & riposte for defense but you don't have Combat Reflexes.

I had originally hoped I could find a spot for C.R. but I could not fit it in. The strong defenses statement was more in reference to Medium armor with high dex and a shield, O.P.&R. is more icing on the cake. We are usually restricted to the main books so piranha strike is out as well.

You should try to sweeten up your DM to allowing anything on instead of "main books". If the excuse is that the resources used have to be available just keep a tablet on hand. Or heck, access it on your smartphone.

There are some builds that are just not feasible (or fairly ineffective) without access to other Paizo published resources. I think you may have one of those.

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