Retraining and Quinggong Monk

Rules Questions


Let's suppose I use the retraining option to add Quinggong Monk as one of my archetypes.

I am a lvl 14 monk.

Can I swap, let's say, Slow Fall, for Blood Crow Strike (lvl 14 Quinggong Monk ability)?

Quinggong Monk only says that the Blood Crow Strike has a level requirement of level 14, which I meet. It does not say that I must swap Quivering Palm (level 15 monk ability) for BCS.

Is it RAW?

Scarab Sages

No. You can not retrain ki powers, you can only retrain the specific options listed in Ultimate campaign. If you were retraining ki powers as part of swapping the archetype, you have to build 'from the ground up'. meaning you can only swap slow fall for an ability you could have had when you would have gained slow fall.

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