I need help with a name...


Silver Crusade

...for a wayang alchemist that specializes in bomb throwing.

Sun "I Like Bombs" Quan?

Seriously though how about Ezuojo Huo (Mischievous Fire) or Wu Xing (Five Elements).

Silver Crusade

Ohhhh I like Ezuojo Huo.

Why don't you go old school? A single name, then some kind of descriptive title.

Bondor the Hurler.
Epoch the Endurer
Speedo the Thong

Or use something based on where you are from, like the all-time best D&D name, "Beek Gwenders of Croodle." That name just leaps into the imagination, I mean is he a "Croodleman?" Is Croodle some kind of emotional state? Croodle the name of his village? What?

Silver Crusade

I usually like to translate some descriptive words into a language appropriate to the race based on Golarion lore. This becomes a problem with wayang, nagaji, kitsune, and any character whose backgrounds places them as being from Tian Xia because I always end up with translations into kanji, when what I really need is a transliteration.

20000names.com has a giant list of names categorized by cultural origin along with the meanings of those names. There's plenty to search through and I can almost always find something that I like.

The Exchange

Hoo Phlung Poo

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