Binding printed copies of scenarios together -- anyone else?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Sovereign Court

So, I just walked out of Staples with my coil bound copy of the first Season 0 adventure. I had the adventure path, adventure and all scenarios printed on good qulaity paper with a vinyl front and back cover. I also included the On the Horizon introductory scenario, a chronicle sheet for the adventure, the minichronicle sheet, and the sheet with my 10 reserved Paizo IDs for new players. I'm very happy with the outcome. I'm curious, how many other people did more than just print a piece of paper and run off of that?

Here's the inside cover page I made for the booklet

Internal Cover Page

* Contributor

Andrew Klein wrote:

So, I just walked out of Staples with my coil bound copy of the first Season 0 adventure. I had the adventure path, adventure and all scenarios printed on good qulaity paper with a vinyl front and back cover. I also included the On the Horizon introductory scenario, a chronicle sheet for the adventure, the minichronicle sheet, and the sheet with my 10 reserved Paizo IDs for new players. I'm very happy with the outcome. I'm curious, how many other people did more than just print a piece of paper and run off of that?

Here's the inside cover page I made for the booklet

Internal Cover Page

I'm using a three-ring binder with clear pockets to hold all the printed scenarios, as well as all our chronicle sheets (I hold on to those for myself, my wife, and a couple of our friends). It has the advantage of being expandable to include later adventures; ultimately, I'll have all of Season 0 in one binder, then I'll start another for Season 1!

I plan to get the whole adventure path printed and bound once all of the adventures have been released. For now, I am printing them and then having them laminated, using the cover image as their back

Sovereign Court

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I plan on doing a separate book for each adventure, and a final one for the whole adventure path. The adventure path page will not only be at the beginning of each adventure book, but at the beginning of each adventure in the final adventure path book. As I'm sure some have noticed, the image on the adventure path is different based on what adventure number it is in. The map shows the locations of that adventure's scenarios. So, of course, it must be printed six times in the final book!

I expect the final book will have the following

x1 Main Cover sheet (like what I posted above, but listing the adventures instead)
x6 Adventure Cover sheets (as linked above)
x6 Adventure Path sheets (one for each adventure's image)
x6 Adventure sheets
x27 Scenario sheets (On the Horizon intro, 6 for Adv. 1, and 4 for Adv. 2-6)
x18 Chronicle sheets (3 copies of each adventure, to account for deaths and / or multiple characters)
x1 Mini-chronicle sheet page (3 Mini-chronicles on the page, mostly just for scanning if need be)
x1 Sheet of reserved Paizo IDs
x2 Doublesided pages left blank for notes

Everything is double sided now, but the final book will only be double sided inside each adventure. I'll have to make sure that no two adventures share a physical sheet of paper. I'll probably ditch the blank sheets at the back of the book and just put a separator page between each adventure. All in all, probably won't be the cheapest thing in world, maybe $50 for the final book, but it'll be awesome and worth it.

The Exchange

What happens when you have used up the 10 reserved Paizo ID cards... :)

I am planning on stapling them all together when done, but will not be including extras of the consumable pages. I will either run them on the copy machine or just print more. ID cards live in a separate part of my game binder as they can only be used once and generally get cut out and sent off with the recipient.

In practice, I have been running the scenarios off of my ipad not paper anyway, so the print outs are more for someone who is running a scenario at the next table over, and I am not going to go to the effort of binding them all fancy for a temporary handout.

That said, I am a fiend for coil binding all my stuff, so once I look at your finished product I may redact all of the above and blatantly steal it.

Sovereign Court

I'll just have to put it on it's own page (in Adventure 1, it's currently the backside of the mini-chronicles)

It isn't glued or anything, just coil-bound, so pulling that page out later won't be a problem.

Speaking of binding, what are you guys using or planning to use as the outside cover image for the whole adventure path? I don't recall seeing a cover image being posted for the season of shackles

Sovereign Court

The same black vinyl cover front and back as I have now. The internal cover (I don't want it getting messed up, hence the Vinyl) will look just like the one I linked above, just with a list of adventures instead of scenarios. Maybe a Community Use picture of Barnabus Harrigan, who kinda has to be the end boss, in the background.

Grand Lodge

I just got top-loaders for 8 1/2 x 11 prints. I've printed up the Adventure Path, Adventure and Scenarios and put them in the top-loaders. It makes it easy to sit on a table plus easy to hand around if people are wanting to read the scenario or details. I carry an extra copy in my file folder as well.

I thought about laminating but this was an easier solution plus when I thought of binding them, I wanted something that could sit on the table or get passed around yet still protected.

I have a file folder that I carry around (similar to ones used for bills, etc.). It holds two sets of rules and guidebooks, an extra set of adventure printouts, chronicle sheets, reporting sheets as well as the reported sheets, character sheets, deck lists, Temp ID cards that I've printed and cut, and my personal character sheets, etc. Basically, everything I need to run the game paper-wise all in their sections and labeled. Again, I looked at a 3-ring binder with pockets and plastic sheets, etc. But I found the file folder was a lot simpler.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Some of you may not have noticed that we updated the Adventure 1 PDF with a designed cover and title/credit page; we'll continue to do that for the compilations only.

Also, it's not safe to assume that all scenarios will be limited to a single page...

Sovereign Court

Vic Wertz wrote:
Some of you may not have noticed that we updated the Adventure 1 PDF with a designed cover and title/credit page; we'll continue to do that for the compilations only.

Ah, I got them as a VL so I guess I'm out for that one. I'm OK with that, I like the simple one I did.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Also, it's not safe to assume that all scenarios will be limited to a single page...

That both excites me and scares me at the same time...

Grand Lodge

But the new title and credit page are attached to the updated On the Horizon mini-scenario, right?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
But the new title and credit page are attached to the updated On the Horizon mini-scenario, right?

There is a title-credit page, yes. But since On the Horizon doesn't have flavor text, it doesn't have a flavor text credit (Brian Campbell writes most of the flavor text for PFSACG). Also, the art credits will vary from adventure to adventure, and some of the other credits could vary in future scenarios... but it's more or less the same, yes.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I made an assumption and it was wrong.

I took a look at the combined product which has different artwork and obviously a different credit page. I like the look of the title page for both On the Horizon and Lost at Sea.

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