Bluffing - Duration and 'Unbluffing'

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Description of bluff:

Situation: I attempted to convince a fellow party member that another PC was actually an impostor. (It was a unique situation where my alignment was briefly turned CE. We recently had a couple of party deaths coincide with assassin attacks and a new PC entering our party claiming to be a follower of Desna, which was true, but some of the party members already had doubts - all role-play stuff)

I successfully bluff the party member convincing them that this new party member is actually an impostor and could be working for the assassins.

A second party member made his sense motive and was not convinced.

The second party member who was not convinced offered to the convinced party member that he did not believe me. The convinced party member than decided to believe the non-convinced party member rather than accept what I was saying was true under the Bluff description. This was within 1 round and no roll was made to 're-convince' the convinced party member that I was lying.

How would you suggest handling this situation? There is not an actual duration on how long you would believe nor does it say anything about how to end the bluff and determine truth.

Any thoughts would be great!

This is one reason most GMs don't allow Bluff to be used between PCs.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Of course, the same issue could come up with a friendly NPC. I guess this would be some sort of opposed check in that case?

Liberty's Edge

Bluff is not magic, and a Player is always free to have their character believe and act how they want.

You might have told a very believable lie, but then his friend, who he also trusts well, told him it was BS. He might harbor some doubts based on what you said, but in the end it is up to him how he acts.

Also, how long did you spend on your Bluff check? 1 round? More? If only a round consider this, you essentially had time to very sincerely tell him, "Hey man, Bob may be an imposter working for the Stab-N-Slab Guild!"... not exactly something that is likely to alter someone's world view.

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