Zaister |
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While reading the Shattered Star Player's Guide I just noticed this entry in the list of benefits characters can buy with their prestige points:
Fame 5, 1 PP: Become familiar with an uncommon or rare spell (at the GM’s discretion) from a Pathfinder lodge library, allowing a bard, sorcerer, or similar spellcaster to select it as a spell known at the next available opportunity (this benefit allows the character to gain access to bard or sorcerer spells from sources other than the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook without having to do spell research or find a copy of the spell while adventuring).
Since you have to pay to get this benefit, this seems to imply that normally, bards, sorcerers, or similar spellcasters can only take new known spells from the Core Rulebook, and if they want to take "uncommon" spells (i.e. spells from sources other than the Core Rulebook), they would have to either research them, or come across them on an adventure).
Is this an intended ruling?
Jaçinto |
That is how it worked in 3.5. Most people didn't read the page in the 3.5 PHB before all the spells listed. By rule, all casters had to research uncommon and rare spells (non phb) because they simply didn't just auto-know them. It leaves some mystery to spell casting rather than just automatically knowing of every spell in existence, plus it let the GM control what spells from what books were actually in the game without much argument.
Not sure about Pathfinder but I like to keep that rule from 3.5.
Howie23 |
The spells available to player characters outside of the core list is a GM decision. How this is done can have a huge impact on the power of some classes. For example, a cleric in a core only campaign vs a campaign that allows all printed spells is dramatic.
I'd appreciate page number from the prior poster regarding the 3.5 PHB reference.