Terrorist attacks in Canada

Off-Topic Discussions

Many believe the attacks that started yesterday are related to the ISIS threat against Canada. None of that has been confirmed. So far:
2 Soldiers run down by man in truck in truck in Quebec
Shots fired on Parliament hill, while parliament was in session and the Prime Minister was present

It's so sad to see this happening in my home country :(

Dark Archive

I know. Our bus driver forced us all to listen to an interview where all you could hear was background noise. I still don't know really what went on.

Bummer. Hope it doesn't cause the kind of chaos we had in Boston last year.

The Exchange

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canadian timeline of events

I think the news just identified one of the terrorists as a French Quebec police officer? I gotta get that in writing.

'CBC News has confirmed the dead shooting suspect is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a Canadian born in 1982. CBC News has learned that Zehaf-Bibeau has a criminal record in Quebec dating back 10 years on some drug-related charges. Court documents from that time show that he lived at an address in Montreal.'

Be safe, and above all stay sane and try to keep perspective. Learn from the mistakes of of the past.

The Exchange

an angry canadian?

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My sympathies are with the both soldiers families, instead of the people who did these attacks.

They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old.
They shall not be forgotten,
Lest we forget.

Those members who decided to join ISIL deserve no less than what they got from the police forces in Ottawa, and St. Jean.

Mokshai wrote:

My sympathies are with the both soldiers families, instead of the people who did these attacks.

They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old.
They shall not be forgotten,
Lest we forget.

Those members who decided to join ISIL deserve no less than what they got from the police forces in Ottawa, and St. Jean.

West Coast Canuck here. I could not agree with you more. I hope we follow the Brits example and suspend the passports of any that leave to join these...>expletives<! I also think we should put much tighter restrictions on our immigrants, but I know regretfuly that that won't happen.

The Exchange

Bad news...he aint the great Muslim evil off to join isis. He was expelled from his mosque for disturbing the preachers. Apparently he was telling everyone the devil was after him. Just an undiagnozed crazy who went violent before they could get him help. If anyone was to blame it was his priests at the mosque who didnt tell someone he was a loon.

The Exchange

Mentally ill

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yellowdingo wrote:
If anyone was to blame it was his priests at the mosque who didnt tell someone he was a loon.

Well, that would set a number of grim precedents.

I'm sure those people are wracked with guilt right now, leave it be.

Yellow dingo, if you seen the ISIL twitter release, the shooter yeststerday was a member.
As well both of them were recent converts to the muslim religion, but that is not the point.

Both of them had their passports confiscated by the RCMP, and one of them was under survelliance.

I understand that in a liberal democracy, we can not detain without probable cause unless they are caught in the act.
This makes it hard for us to stop an act like this.

This is from a soldier retired after 20+ years.

Mokshai wrote:
Yellow dingo, if you seen the ISIL twitter release, the shooter yeststerday was a member.

Source? I've been following this since it started (I live 2 1/2 hrs down the 417/40 from Ottawa) and have heard nothing that indicates he had any connection.

http://www.answeringmuslims.com/2014/10/muslim-convert-michael-zehaf-bibeau .html

Picture released by ISIL.

If he is not a member, then they have claimed him. Yes, I know he was a recent convert, but if ISIL released the photo of him, I am assuming that he was a member.

That photo was taken on the scene yesterday by someone with a cell phone, I believe. They must have grabbed it off the net like the rest of us. I don't think there is a hard connection here. (I've looked for the page where it notes the source but can't remember where I saw it. If I find it I'll post the link.)

If there is no hard connection, I am willing to admit that I am probably wrong in regards to him.

Question, 2.5 hours east or west on 417 ?

Spent to many years 2.5 hours west of Ottawa myself.


I'm not arguing with your conclusion, but that web site you linked looks like it was put together by a couple of redneck Youth Group kids right after band class. I mean, come on!

East. South shore of Montreal.

Kirth, I have no control over how people do up their websites. :)

However, I have admitted, that I could be, and probably am wrong on the ISIL for the ottawa shooter. But it wouldn't surprise me if he was a member.

@ Greg. Petawawa / Pembroke, for to many years.

Grand Lodge

I was watching this all day yesterday. Sad, but at least they got the guy before anyone else had to die.

And Pembroke, eh? My dad coached the Lumber Kings for a couple years back in the early 80's. He told me about how he used to have to get his players after a bar brawl in the...ahem "gentlemen's club" there. The airborne was always getting into it with the lumberjacks...or so he said.

I agree, upsetting, but you are right. At least they stopped him before it got to bad.

Yea, that sounds like the airborne. :)
Never in that unit, I rode to work in Grizzly / LAV.

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