The Black Tower

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

The Black Tower is a scenario from deck 4 of Rise of the Runelords. One of the special rules for this scenario is:

The Black Tower, During this scenario wrote:
Deal an extra spell into each location deck at the start of the scenario.

Up to now, I applied this rule during location building, so for each location, the extra spell was shuffled into the deck among the other cards.

But reading it today, I'm wondering what exactly is "the start of the scenario"?

Could it be that the extra spell for each location should be added to location decks just after players draw their starting hands, just before the first player takes her first turn? Meaning that the location decks would already be shuffled and that the extra spells would be added as the top cards for every location?

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I thought this was a Wheel of Time discussion.

*shows himself out*

I think you've been playing it right although I see the confusion when you read it literally.

I'd guessing a scenario begins when you choose it. Part of playing a scenario is setting it up. You can't begin to set up the location decks without a scenario card in play so I'd guess that as soon as you put the scenario card in play you are starting the scenario.

That being the base I think "Deal an extra spell into each location deck when building them" might have been cleaner.

I've always done it the way you've done it to.

Fayries wrote:

The Black Tower is a scenario from deck 4 of Rise of the Runelords. One of the special rules for this scenario is:

The Black Tower, During this scenario wrote:
Deal an extra spell into each location deck at the start of the scenario.

Up to now, I applied this rule during location building, so for each location, the extra spell was shuffled into the deck among the other cards.

But reading it today, I'm wondering what exactly is "the start of the scenario"?

Could it be that the extra spell for each location should be added to location decks just after players draw their starting hands, just before the first player takes her first turn? Meaning that the location decks would already be shuffled and that the extra spells would be added as the top cards for every location?

The part that says "Deal an extra spell" implies that it's when you normally deal out cards for the location.

The only time you do that is in the Build the Location Decks step of the scenario card setup, so you've been doing it correctly.

Otherwise, it'd say something like "At the start of the scenario, add one spell to each location deck." or some such, and then that WOULD need clarification.

Since it says 'Deal an extra spell,' then that says that you add one more spell when you're dealing out the cards for the location decks normally (thus the word 'extra'). The word 'extra' wouldn't make any sense if it wasn't the normal part where you're already dealing cards to start with.

Fayries wrote:

Could it be that the extra spell for each location should be added to location decks just after players draw their starting hands, just before the first player takes her first turn? Meaning that the location decks would already be shuffled and that the extra spells would be added as the top cards for every location?

OK English isn't my native language but EVEN if I take it literally dealing INTO a deck somehow to me implies shufflying even if not WRITTEN as such. Else they would have written add a spell ON TOP of the location deck.


Frencois wrote:
Fayries wrote:

Could it be that the extra spell for each location should be added to location decks just after players draw their starting hands, just before the first player takes her first turn? Meaning that the location decks would already be shuffled and that the extra spells would be added as the top cards for every location?

OK English isn't my native language but EVEN if I take it literally dealing INTO a deck somehow to me implies shufflying even if not WRITTEN as such. Else they would have written add a spell ON TOP of the location deck.


Not only is it implied, it is actually in the rules:

RotR Rulebook p12 wrote:
If you’re instructed to add a card to the top or the bottom of a deck, do so; otherwise, any cards added to a deck are shuffled into it.

So even if you did take the instructions to mean "build and shuffle the locations, then add a spell," when you added the spell you'd have to shuffle again. So save yourself sometime and just wait to shuffle until after you've added the spell.

Grand Lodge

Fayries wrote:

The Black Tower is a scenario from deck 4 of Rise of the Runelords. One of the special rules for this scenario is:

The Black Tower, During this scenario wrote:
Deal an extra spell into each location deck at the start of the scenario.

I guess a better wording would be:

During the setup of the scenario, deal an extra spell into each location deck.

But as for the shuffling part, that rule on pg. 12 is what we've followed all along. It needs to specifically say on the top or bottom of the location or else the location deck gets shuffled when a card is added.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

If I were editing it today, I would change it to "When you build the location decks, add an additional spell into each deck." But I'm not going to change it via FAQ because (so long as you're following the rules about shuffling added cards on page 12) it's not functionally different.

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