can't get past loading terrain

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

had to launch a few times to get it as far as the Loading terrain screen but it just sat there....forever. i found in another thread that with only 4GB ram could be an issue and to run this command:
bcdedit /set increaseUserVa 3072
so i killed the pathfinder.exe process and ran that command (with admin cmd prompt) and relaunched. i now get to the Loading terrain screen and after a little while it just closes and pathfinder.exe disappears from the task manager.

windows 7 32 bit, 4 GB ram

updated video drivers NVidia NVS 4200M to current (2014) driver

is my system just not good enough to run the game or is something else going on?

Goblin Squad Member

Did you install and run as administrator?

Goblin Squad Member

ran the install as administrator

Goblin Squad Member

I apologize I can not offer further assistance, this is outside my field of knowledge. Hopefully more experienced people will assist, and on Monday(?)the GW staff should be back in and working on situations like this.

Goblin Squad Member

thanks anyway

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

If it is sitting at the loading terrain screen forever then it is likely a connection issue.

Stop it and restart. It helps to be on a wired connection instead of WiFi.

I did have this several times in the past - for me it seems to have gone away.

System really too low normally will result in a very sluggish experience or if you set graphics higher to a crash as soon as it has finished loading.

So my advice - try again once or twice. Unfortunately this advice comes now when the server has it's maintanance.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

In version 7.1 the game took around 2,5 Gb of memory. It is too much for a 4 gb RAM computer running under the 32 bit version of Win7, as unfortunately Win7 32 bits only manages 3 gb of memory.

You should have to update (reinstall) Win7 in 64 bits and probably add 4 extra gb.

Goblin Squad Member

I have the same kind of config (windows 7 32 bit, 4 GB ram, NVidia) and the same error (cannot pass loading terrain).

Looking in the error log I see a bunch of "failed to create staging 2D texture" and "System out of memory!"

The theory about not having enough memory would fit well.

Goblin Squad Member

yeah that was what i was afraid of as i have relaunched more times than i can count haha.
sucks, i was so lookin forward to tryin the game out!

CEO, Goblinworks

Run the command prompt as Administrator
enter command bcdedit /set increaseUserVa 3072


Use 2048 to return to default if desired.

Goblin Squad Member

my original post already says i've done that!!!!!

CEO, Goblinworks

Did you reboot?

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