Subscription shipping vs. Order shipping...

Website Feedback

A quick request: For subscribers, please make the default shipping method for orders match the default shipping method for subscriptions.


The gory details: We're in a U.S. Postal Service "training area", so our mail service is... spotty, to say the least. I switched my subscriptions to UPS and it's been awesome.

Then I ordered some stuff from the Great Golem Sale. In my excitement of frenzied button-clicking, I didn't pay attention to the shipping method, figuring it would match my usual default.

Imagine my surprise to learn that it had defaulted to USPS Priority Mail, and I can look forward to a week or two of waiting in anticipation for my already-shipped order to arrive as my local office tries to figure out what to do with the strange white object in their inventory. ("I know! Hit it with a hammer!")

Yes, I should have checked. But I always like to try to set "sensible" defaults when I get a chance...

EDIT: Full disclosure: 15 minutes after I posted this the package arrived. *SIGH*. Go figure.

Yeah, as a former subscriber I was surprised when my Great Golem Sale order went to the billing address of a cc I rarely use (an address which I don't believe I've ever had Paizo send anything to) rather than the shipping address I normally use.

Also, entirely my fault for not noticing as I went back and double-checked the confirm email and sure enough, there it was...

Posting here not to complain, but as an FYI for the web store folks in case there was some code that got shifted that may reset the default addresses.


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