Paizo Order # 3258120 - stuff gone missing.

Customer Service

This is complicated, so follow the trail I'm leading you down...

I got my (latest) confirmation for this order on Monday. It shows me that there are 30 items coming my way.

Thing is, the last time I got an e-mail confirmation (order # 3310592 on Thursday Oct 2nd), it was indicated that I would be getting 29 items.

Hold onto your hat. The same night (Thursday the 2nd), I placed an additional order which added three items to my pending order, mostly as a joke. I never got an e-mail confirmation for that order, but the web screen looked good. At that point, I was expecting a total of 32 items to be in my next shipment.

But wait, there's more... at that point, Iron Gods #3 wasn't part of what was coming my way. So in theory, I should now be getting a parcel with 33 items in it.

And yet, I'm now being told I'm getting 30 items. That's 3 that have vanished.

I've compared the confirmation from yesterday and the confirmation from Thursday night. The three items I never got e-mail confirmation for are present, and Iron Gods #3 is present, so basically three items present on the #3310592 confirmation are missing now.

These are what they were:

D10,000 (Set of 4 d10) Translucent Purple Crystal Caste Moved to order 3258120

Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory (OGL) Paizo Publishing, LLC Moved to order 3258120

Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Korvosa (OGL) Paizo Publishing, LLC Moved to order 3258120

It looks like this hasn't shipped yet, so maybe it's not too late.

Thank you.


Turns out the missing items are in my sidecart now.

The dice are (now) on backorder, so... ok, fair enough. Korvosa and Taldor don't seem to have a stock issue, so... I dunno.

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

It looks like the system got confused on some inventory and had some issues moving some of the stuff in your sidecart to the order.

I've wrestled around with things and moved them to the pending order. I did move the t-shirt back to your sidecart since it looks like it's a special order item which is not in the warehouse yet.

That means that everything that is on the order now should be good to go. You should soon get an updated order confirmation email.

Just did. Thanks a bunch. Up to 33 items and 19 pounds now! Woot!

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