To much for an encounter or character?

Homebrew and House Rules

Ok so the race generator at work again.
Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
Standard Ability Scores (+2 Str; +2 Wis; -2 Dex) (0 RP)
Large Size (7 RP)
Normal Speed (0 RP)
Multiarmed (8 RP)[4 Arms]
Quadruped (2 RP)
Total 20 RP

Is this to much for a race that the players might be fighting against, or even playing as?
I could think of a few ways this could be abused, and well it might be extremely difficult for them to fight a charging four armed lancer

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I feel the same as I did with your other race. This would be best as a race for fighting against.

Is it too much if I tagged on Cavalier levels to it?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Too much as an enemy? That depends on the party's APL.

Sovereign Court

too many variable need some more information ...what level is this? Is one player going to play a level 13 wizard with contingencies and all spells prepared? Is it an ambush? a sneak attack?

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