Inquisitor dedicated to... Calistria???


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Limnen_euron wrote:

Basically the guy you turn to when everything and everyone else has failed you. Scorned lovers, wronged victims whom traditional justice has turned its back on, those whose freedom has been taken away are all people who could seek a Calistrian inquisitor's help.

I would see such a character very well contextualized in a Sin city-like setting, for example.

I could totally see Dwight from Sin City as a Calistrian Inquisitor.

pennywit wrote:
Limnen_euron wrote:
Greylurker wrote:

It's like Batman+Ghost Rider+The Punisher in one sexy package.

Very well put. I picture an inquisitor of Calistria as the ultimate hard-boiled fiction private-eye, dealing in secrets, imparting vigilante/poetic justice and willfully dealing with both the best and worst human nature has to offer.

Basically the guy you turn to when everything and everyone else has failed you. Scorned lovers, wronged victims whom traditional justice has turned its back on, those whose freedom has been taken away are all people who could seek a Calistrian inquisitor's help.

I would see such a character very well contextualized in a Sin city-like setting, for example.

"I am vengeance!!! I am the night !!! I am ... Well, hello there, good-looking ... "

The chief weapon of the Calistrian Inquisition is that so many think Calistria is all about the sex and forget that prostitution is only part of the Lady In The Room's portfolio.

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