Edward Sobel |

I am sorry if this has been answered before..
character has Raging grappler rage power improved grapple, greater grapple, rapid grappler and vicious stomp feats.
level 2 barbarian/level 7 fighter (unarmed fighter archetype)
So is this sound correct: (assume all checks succeed)
Round 1 initiate a grapple. (raging grappler power allows me to inflict unarmed damage now)
Round 2: greater grapple allows me to maintain as a move action to inflict unarmed damage,
no at this point since i maintained the grapple raging grappler allows me to give the "victim" the prone condition.
this will trigger the Viscious stomp ability allowing me to make an Attack of opportunity (clever Wrestler fighter ability allows this)
Ok now greater grapple feat allows me to make another grapple check (maintain again) to inflict unarmed damage.
OK so since I was able to maintain the grapple as a move action, now rapid grappler feat kicks in, allowing another grapple check as a swift to "maintain" and inflict unarmed damge again.

Elbedor |

I'm not a grappling guru, but with all those abilities it would seem to me to play out thusly (assuming all checks succeed):
Round 1:
Initiate Grapple as Standard Action
Deal damage via Raging Grappler
Maintain Grapple as Move Action via Greater Grapple
Deal grapple damage
Make Grapple check as Swift Action via Rapid Grappler
Deal grapple damage
Round 2:
Maintain Grapple as Standard Action
Make target Prone via Raging Grappler
Maintain as Move via Greater Grapple
Deal grapple damage
Make Grapple check as Swift Action via Rapid Grappler
Deal grapple damage
But maybe someone else who has much more experience with these rules than I do can answer better.

![]() |

I think that checks out.
Elbedor, you don't need to wait until round 2 to make the target prone because raging grapple spcifies "while raging, whenever you succeed at a combat maneuver check to maintain a grapple" you can make your opponent prone as a free action, and you maintain as a move action in round 1.
Looks like it would be very powerful when it works, but it does require a lot of investment and relies on succeeding on all your checks, and being in rage (you'll probably want the Extra Rage feat so as not to run out), and fighting an opponent you can effectively grapple.