Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Launch Delayed to October 1.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Grand Lodge

Tim Felts wrote:
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Tim, have you tried contacting your Venture Captain yet? That is usually the best way to start the process of pursuing becoming a VO for PACG. If there is no response from he/she, then talking to Mike Brock. But I'd start with the VC here.

I sent an e-mail to the Ohio VC (from that list) on August 26th stating that I was interested in running for my area and using my personal S&S set but I never received a response....


Okay, since you didn't hear back, you might want to try again but Vic mentioned this.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sorry for the delay in responding, folks... the first post of this thread was the very last thing i did before running out the door for vacation. Many answers below:

Theryon Stormrune wrote:


By access to the preview scenario, was it sent to the retailers or just accessible in their downloads?

It's in their My Downloads page. The same thing will happen with new scenarios as they are released. They should get a notification email when things are added to their downloads.

Andrew K wrote:
So the season (and presumably future ones as well unless there is a big change) will run on the current AP until the next one is releasing Adventure 2. I'm not upset, but I really think that could hurt Organized Play. Were all the adventures initially 6 scenarios and cut short because of all manufacturing problems?

The plan has always been to have each adventure in the Organized Play Adventure Path to begin with the release of the corresponding Adventure Deck. In most cases, our releases are on the last Wednesday of each month, and so are normally four weeks apart, so that means four scenarios in most adventures. Occasionally, there are 5 weeks between the last Wednesdays of consecutive months, so in those cases, adventures will have 5 scenarios. And then Christmas and Gen Con usually cause us to shift release dates for December and either July or August, so that could, in the future, adjust the number up or down (and is the reason that there are 6 scenarios in the first adventure: the gap between Gen Con and our September release was 6 weeks).

John Spalding wrote:
Have you all considered not giving a new date until product exists in your hands, i.e. until you know you can make shipments happen. At least for this line,the date announcements have repeatedly been inaccurate. Other than the printer's (at this point suspect) assurances, is there any reason to believe this ship date is accurate?

Unfortunately, the distribution chain requires us to provide release dates well before most products are in our warehouse. In the case of my original post, though, all of the products I was talking about were in our warehouse at the time.

Zaister wrote:
...I would suggest that you create an option for subscribers to have their PACG products shipped separately from the rest of the subscriptions, so other products don't get held up by these kinds of delay in the future.

Logistically, it's necessary for Paizo to have one release date each month for all of our products. So if a single product is late, it moves into the next month; if its a bigger issue, all of the products for that month must move together by a week.

Dragnmoon wrote:

Vic is web page infrastructure (Reporting/creating event, advertising games days, etc) Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play going to be complete before Oct 1st?

I noticed when testing Registering a New Card Game Character that the number starts at 1001 instead of going to your next character number, is the intended?

Is there going to be a means for Areas without VO support to get access to scenarios without having to wait until a month later?

How soon until Community use Art download is added so we can use it for advertising Card Game days?

1. It was in place. We'll be making some adjustments to it on an ongoing basis.

2. Yep—PFSACG characters start at 1001.
3. If you want to get in on day one of a scenario release, either get your retailer to sign up for the program or sign yourself up as a Venture Officer. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until the the next adventure begins to purchase the compilation PDF of the previous adventure.
4. I think that's due to happen in the next couple weeks.

Ron Lundeen wrote:

I'm going to be a month behind, because I'm playing at home and not at a store. I'm assuming the process for this will be like the Pathfinder Society, but I don't actually know for sure. I'm wondering how, mechanically, I will get the scenarios.

Will there be a .pdf I can purchase just like a Pathfinder Society Scenario?

How much will those cost?

Will there be a subscription model so I can get them all?

Will the first set of scenarios one be available on or about November 1st, a month after the store release on October 1st?

You'll be able to purchase a PDF just like a PFSRPG Scenario. Each adventure will be released as a collection the day that we begin the next adventure in stores, so the first adventure collection will be released October 22. The price depends on the number of scenarios in the adventure; the first one, with six scenarios, will be $5.99; the 4-scenario adventures will be $3.99 (it's a buck per scenario less one cent). We don't currently have a way of offering subs for digital-only products.



Vic Wertz wrote:

Unfortunately, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks, which are required for playing in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program, have been delayed yet again, and the new retail release date for the Class Decks will be October 1. As a result, the Adventure Card Guild retail launch is delayed to the same date. Additionally, delays with Adventure Deck 2 have caused it, and all future Skull & Shackles decks, to be delayed by a month, so we'll be spacing out releases a bit differently than we had previously planned.

The first adventure in Season of the Shackles consists of 6 separate scenarios, while future adventures will be composed of 4 scenarios each. Here's the current release schedule [pardon the formatting]:

October 1: Adventure 1 Scenarios 1–4
October 8 :Adventure 1 Scenario 5
October 15: Adventure 1 Scenario 6
October 22: Adventure 2 Scenario 1
October 29: Adventure 2 Scenario 2
November 5: Adventure 2 Scenario 3
November 12: Adventure 2 Scenario 4
November 19: Adventure 3 Scenario 1
November 26: Adventure 3 Scenario 2
December 3: Adventure 3 Scenario 3
December 10: Adventure 3 Scenario 4
December 17: Adventure 4 Scenario 1
December 24: HOLIDAY
December 31: HOLIDAY
January 7: Adventure 4 Scenario 2
January 14: Adventure 4 Scenario 3
January 21: Adventure 4 Scenario 4
January 28: Adventure 5 Scenario 1
February 4: Adventure 5 Scenario 2
February 11: Adventure 5 Scenario 3
February 18: Adventure 5 Scenario 4
February 25: Adventure 6 Scenario 1
March 4: Adventure 6 Scenario 2
March 11: Adventure 6 Scenario 3
March 18: Adventure 6 Scenario 4

Retailers who are in the PFSACG program and PFS Venture-Officers should already have access to the PDF for the special preview scenario, Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Scenario 0-0A: On the Horizon, which does not require Class Decks, so may be played at any time.

If you haven't already done so, make sure you download the Pathfinder Society...

Does the above schedule suggest that Adventure 3 should be available this week some time (as a Pdf) ?

MightyJim wrote:
Does the above schedule suggest that Adventure 3 should be available this week some time (as a Pdf) ?

Adventure 3 wil be released on 17th for pdf when the 4. adventure starts according to shop info and the above timeline.

But names of scenarios already known?

Grand Lodge

Myfly wrote:
MightyJim wrote:
Does the above schedule suggest that Adventure 3 should be available this week some time (as a Pdf) ?

Adventure 3 wil be released on 17th for pdf when the 4. adventure starts according to shop info and the above timeline.

But names of scenarios already known?

Myfly, I'm sure that Tanis knows the names of the scenarios for the rest of the season. But the nice thing about not posting them beforehand is that you can change them if necessary. We get each new scenario on Tues or Wed of the week. We do know the Adventures, though.

Adventure 1: Lost at Sea
Adventure 2: A Pirate's Life
Adventure 3: Treacherous Waters
Adventure 4: Island of the Damned
Adventure 5: Run Out the Guns
Adventure 6: Hurricane Weather

All scenario names of the SS base set are well known from the start...

Why not the the OP ones?

Sovereign Court

The base game isn't likely to change other than fixing errors before the adventures are printed. Organized Play is more likely to have actual mechanic changes, and possibly name changes if it is needed thematically, between the start of the adventure path and the time the scenario releases. Not having to worry about printing mass amounts of cards for OP every scenario and adventure means they can make any changes needed up to the time they release it.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Myfly wrote:
All scenario names of the SS base set are well known from the start...

No they are not. We don't know the scenario names for adventures 4, 5, and 6 yet.

Zaister wrote:
Myfly wrote:
All scenario names of the SS base set are well known from the start...
No they are not. We don't know the scenario names for adventures 4, 5, and 6 yet.

The official card list for S&S that can be found in the resources section lists the scenarios cards, which are the same as the scenario name, for all 6 adventure decks

Sovereign Court

Zaister wrote:
Myfly wrote:
All scenario names of the SS base set are well known from the start...
No they are not. We don't know the scenario names for adventures 4, 5, and 6 yet.

We do actually, from the character sheets.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Andrew L Klein wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Myfly wrote:
All scenario names of the SS base set are well known from the start...
No they are not. We don't know the scenario names for adventures 4, 5, and 6 yet.
We do actually, from the character sheets.

Oh, ok, that went by me, somehow. I'll have to take that back, then. :)

Zaister wrote:
Andrew L Klein wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Myfly wrote:
All scenario names of the SS base set are well known from the start...
No they are not. We don't know the scenario names for adventures 4, 5, and 6 yet.
We do actually, from the character sheets.
Oh, ok, that went by me, somehow. I'll have to take that back, then. :)

Thanks.... So where are all scenario names of SS OP? :-)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I could imagine that some of them don't even exist yet.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A few people have posted answers to that question.

MightyJim wrote:
Does the above schedule suggest that Adventure 3 should be available this week some time (as a Pdf) ?

On the product page here it says it will be available Dec 17.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Myfly wrote:

All scenario names of the SS base set are well known from the start...

Why not the the OP ones?

Because surprises are fun.

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