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Unfortunately, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks, which are required for playing in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program, have been delayed yet again, and the new retail release date for the Class Decks will be October 1. As a result, the Adventure Card Guild retail launch is delayed to the same date. Additionally, delays with Adventure Deck 2 have caused it, and all future Skull & Shackles decks, to be delayed by a month, so we'll be spacing out releases a bit differently than we had previously planned.
The first adventure in Season of the Shackles consists of 6 separate scenarios, while future adventures will be composed of 4 scenarios each. Here's the current release schedule [pardon the formatting]:
October 1: Adventure 1 Scenarios 1–4
October 8 :Adventure 1 Scenario 5
October 15: Adventure 1 Scenario 6
October 22: Adventure 2 Scenario 1
October 29: Adventure 2 Scenario 2
November 5: Adventure 2 Scenario 3
November 12: Adventure 2 Scenario 4
November 19: Adventure 3 Scenario 1
November 26: Adventure 3 Scenario 2
December 3: Adventure 3 Scenario 3
December 10: Adventure 3 Scenario 4
December 17: Adventure 4 Scenario 1
December 24: HOLIDAY
December 31: HOLIDAY
January 7: Adventure 4 Scenario 2
January 14: Adventure 4 Scenario 3
January 21: Adventure 4 Scenario 4
January 28: Adventure 5 Scenario 1
February 4: Adventure 5 Scenario 2
February 11: Adventure 5 Scenario 3
February 18: Adventure 5 Scenario 4
February 25: Adventure 6 Scenario 1
March 4: Adventure 6 Scenario 2
March 11: Adventure 6 Scenario 3
March 18: Adventure 6 Scenario 4
Retailers who are in the PFSACG program and PFS Venture-Officers should already have access to the PDF for the special preview scenario, Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Scenario 0-0A: On the Horizon, which does not require Class Decks, so may be played at any time.
If you haven't already done so, make sure you download the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide to Organized Play as soon as you get a chance to learn everything you need to know about running and playing in a PFSACG event.

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So the season (and presumably future ones as well unless there is a big change) will run on the current AP until the next one is releasing Adventure 2. I'm not upset, but I really think that could hurt Organized Play. Were all the adventures initially 6 scenarios and cut short because of all manufacturing problems?
Also, you mention a delay of S&S Adv2 caused the delays -- how much of a delay are we talking about, because this is getting a little nuts. Supposedly the manufacturer is some big company that has handled much larger projects than this, so why are they dropping the ball now?

Kalvit |

While the delay is unfortunate, it also buys the store I was going to run these scenarios for another week to prepare. We've had a lot of difficulty registering the store as a retailer so we could get it set up for OP. Either it's on customer service, or we've been working on an erroneous assumption and need to get in contact with the local VC.

pluvia33 |

That's weird. Adventure Deck 2 got delayed? I just got my subscription shipment email and it says Adventure Deck 2 will be part of the shipment.
I don't mind the delay, though. I made myself available at my local game store to run demos during a 3 hour block last Saturday, but no one ended up taking me up on the offer (either had other things going on or were playing other games). This will give me another week to try to generate interest before OP starts.

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Unfortunately, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks, which are required for playing in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program, have been delayed yet again, and the new retail release date for the Class Decks will be October 1. As a result, the Adventure Card Guild retail launch is delayed to the same date.
Have you all considered not giving a new date until product exists in your hands, i.e. until you know you can make shipments happen. At least for this line,the date announcements have repeatedly been inaccurate. Other than the printer's (at this point suspect) assurances, is there any reason to believe this ship date is accurate?

Zaister |
So, can I infer from this that the reason my September subscription shipment hasn't been processed yet is because you were still waiting for Adventure Deck 2?
If this is the case then I would suggest that you create an option for subscribers to have their PACG products shipped separately from the rest of the subscriptions, so other products don't get held up by these kinds of delay in the future.

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Vic I have a few questions.
Vic is web page infrastructure (Reporting/creating event, advertising games days, etc) Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play going to be complete before Oct 1st?
I noticed when testing Registering a New Card Game Character that the number starts at 1001 instead of going to your next character number, is the intended?
Is there going to be a means for Areas without VO support to get access to scenarios without having to wait until a month later?
How soon until Community use Art download is added so we can use it for advertising Card Game days?

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I have a question about my shipment also.
I got and email saying that Adventure 2 and a Cleric Class Deck are in this shipment and it says "is expected to ship". So there's no class decks and that means I'm waiting on my add-on deck for ANOTHER month? Our group is ready to write this game off ... 8 people who loved the first game are about to say "screw it" and just go back to playing RPGs.

Tanis O'Connor Pathfinder ACG Designer |

How do you get your local stored into this? I'd like to run these for my players in Jackson, MI. Do you buy these scenarios just like any other Paizo PFS product?
Have your retailers sign up for Adventure Card Guild stuff through the retailer locator; they'll then gain access to the scenarios as they are released. Venture-Captains and Card Guild Venture-Lieutenants in the region should also be receiving the scenarios for use at local stores, clubs, and conventions.

Kalvit |

fine_young_misanthrope wrote:How do you get your local stored into this? I'd like to run these for my players in Jackson, MI. Do you buy these scenarios just like any other Paizo PFS product?Have your retailers sign up for Adventure Card Guild stuff through the retailer locator; they'll then gain access to the scenarios as they are released. Venture-Captains and Card Guild Venture-Lieutenants in the region should also be receiving the scenarios for use at local stores, clubs, and conventions.
Yeah, about that. We've been having difficulties with that. It might be because Customer Service hasn't finalized the registration of the store, but the FLGS I've been working with to get these scenarios have been unable to sign up properly. They keep getting told to go through the Regional Coordinator. It's a bit distressing, and the manager has asked if I can help fix this problem.
I'm looking at currently getting a hold of one of the local VCs to get a little help with this situation. If that (or this post) doesn't work, then my local PFSACG games will be at least an extra month behind most of us. Because I'll have to wait to purchase those scenarios for the store.

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Have your retailers sign up for Adventure Card Guild stuff through the retailer locator; they'll then gain access to the scenarios as they are released. Venture-Captains and Card Guild Venture-Lieutenants in the region should also be receiving the scenarios for use at local stores, clubs, and conventions.
Neither of those options will work for us.
Our store is not lead on Org play and we do not have any VOs.

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Dragnmoon wrote:Our store is not lead on Org play and we do not have any VOs.I don't really know what "our store is not lead on Org play" means, but try contacting Customer Service (customer.service@paizo.com).
Sorry, it means I am running the org play locally at our local store not the store itself, so having the store get the scenarios is not helpful since I am the one that needs them and having to go to the store to pick up the printout would be more then inconvenient and not practical.

Ken Fisher |
Tanis O'Connor wrote:Sorry, it means I am running the org play locally at our local store not the store itself, so having the store get the scenarios is not helpful since I am the one that needs them and having to go to the store to pick up the printout would be more then inconvenient and not practical.Dragnmoon wrote:Our store is not lead on Org play and we do not have any VOs.I don't really know what "our store is not lead on Org play" means, but try contacting Customer Service (customer.service@paizo.com).
Hey Dragn, can the store be registered as a retailer? If so, they would have the scenarios available to hand out to whomever is running it at the store itself, right? If I can help you guys out, drop me a pm!

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Hey Dragn, can the store be registered as a retailer? If so, they would have the scenarios available to hand out to whomever is running it at the store itself, right? If I can help you guys out, drop me a pm!
Ken, I Guess I was not clear.
Going to the store to pick up printouts is neither convenient nor practical due to my work schedule and the distance I live from the store. Not only that working with a printout is a pain in the ass vs. a PDF. I have more control of "quality" having the PDF myself.
If these were available to the general public on the day they first were released this would not be an issue I could just buy/download them myself.
I am not sure I understand the reason for a Month delay until general release to the public. What is the purpose of waiting a month for those that can't work with their stores to get them or have a Venture Officer to work with?

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The scenarios they're releasing aren't much different (except for more flavor text) than the scenario cards in the game. There's nothing that you'd need to "prep" Dragnmoon.
If they were available to the public the first day, they're be no incentive to go to the store to play them. They're doing it so that stores can offer the scenarios first before the public gets to play them at will.

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It more then then just that.
I would want to prep the decks before I go
Have the Scenario Sheets printed out and pre filled before I go
None of this I want to do at the store, I am very much into making Sure I am ready before I go. I don't want to be surprised by any special rules for the scenario or anything prior to getting there. I want to make sure I understand any special situations or rules before game day actual starts so I can answer questions on the spot with little delay.
I guess since I am already playing at a retail location we don't really need the "incentive" and the month delay is just an inconvenience.
I am also a control freak and not having this stuff in my control drives me bat nuts.
Most likely what will end up happening is we are not actually going to start org play until the general release and always be a month behind.
Edit: In general Or local store does not control any game day stuff they leave it up to all volunteers except for MtG tournaments.

First World Bard |

Have you considered just running the adventures one week later than the release date? On week 1, run demos or On the Horizon, and pick up the PDF for week 1, so you can prep it for week 2. Since you're already running at the store, that seems better than being one month behind (and paying for the scenarios out of pocket).

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Have you considered just running the adventures one week later than the release date? On week 1, run demos or On the Horizon, and pick up the PDF for week 1, so you can prep it for week 2. Since you're already running at the store, that seems better than being one month behind (and paying for the scenarios out of pocket).
This is a interesting idea but it still falls on me relying on someone else to get the scenarios for me and I lose control of that.
Like I said the local store does not run these things, volunteers do, and I am the volunteer.

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Thanks for the advice everyone, but going through the store is not a reliable option.
We are still working on getting VOs in our area, hopefully that will pan out otherwise we will have to wait for the general release a month later.

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It more then then just that.
I would want to prep the decks before I go
Have the Scenario Sheets printed out and pre filled before I go
None of this I want to do at the store, I am very much into making Sure I am ready before I go. I don't want to be surprised by any special rules for the scenario or anything prior to getting there. I want to make sure I understand any special situations or rules before game day actual starts so I can answer questions on the spot with little delay.
I guess since I am already playing at a retail location we don't really need the "incentive" and the month delay is just an inconvenience.
I am also a control freak and not having this stuff in my control drives me bat nuts.
Most likely what will end up happening is we are not actually going to start org play until the general release and always be a month behind.
Edit: In general Or local store does not control any game day stuff they leave it up to all volunteers except for MtG tournaments.
I am in a very similar situation as you are. I run PFS at two different stores on occasion, but it is purely set up and organized by me. I tried to e-mail the local VO or VC (not sure which) but haven't received any response.
I am thinking I will probably just be a month behind as well once the scenarios are released for us to download....

Tanis O'Connor Pathfinder ACG Designer |

Dragnmoon wrote:It more then then just that.
I would want to prep the decks before I go
Have the Scenario Sheets printed out and pre filled before I go
None of this I want to do at the store, I am very much into making Sure I am ready before I go. I don't want to be surprised by any special rules for the scenario or anything prior to getting there. I want to make sure I understand any special situations or rules before game day actual starts so I can answer questions on the spot with little delay.
I guess since I am already playing at a retail location we don't really need the "incentive" and the month delay is just an inconvenience.
I am also a control freak and not having this stuff in my control drives me bat nuts.
Most likely what will end up happening is we are not actually going to start org play until the general release and always be a month behind.
Edit: In general Or local store does not control any game day stuff they leave it up to all volunteers except for MtG tournaments.
I am in a very similar situation as you are. I run PFS at two different stores on occasion, but it is purely set up and organized by me. I tried to e-mail the local VO or VC (not sure which) but haven't received any response.
I am thinking I will probably just be a month behind as well once the scenarios are released for us to download....
I'd love to have you working with us, Tim and Dragnmoon. Can you email me directly at tanis.oconnor@paizo.com?

Ron Lundeen Contributor |
I'm going to be a month behind, because I'm playing at home and not at a store. I'm assuming the process for this will be like the Pathfinder Society, but I don't actually know for sure. I'm wondering how, mechanically, I will get the scenarios.
Will there be a .pdf I can purchase just like a Pathfinder Society Scenario?
How much will those cost?
Will there be a subscription model so I can get them all?
Will the first set of scenarios one be available on or about November 1st, a month after the store release on October 1st?

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I'd love to have you working with us, Tim and Dragnmoon. Can you email me directly at tanis.oconnor@paizo.com?
Email sent Tanis.

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Tanis O'Connor wrote:I'd love to have you working with us, Tim and Dragnmoon. Can you email me directly at tanis.oconnor@paizo.com?Email sent Tanis.
Tanis - I sent you an e-mail as well...I noticed on Michael Brock's list of new OP VL's there is not one for Ohio. What would this take? I may be willing to step up if it will help get games going in Ohio (and more importantly at the stores I play/run).

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Tim, have you tried contacting your Venture Captain yet? That is usually the best way to start the process of pursuing becoming a VO for PACG. If there is no response from he/she, then talking to Mike Brock. But I'd start with the VC here.

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Tim, have you tried contacting your Venture Captain yet? That is usually the best way to start the process of pursuing becoming a VO for PACG. If there is no response from he/she, then talking to Mike Brock. But I'd start with the VC here.
I sent an e-mail to the Ohio VC (from that list) on August 26th stating that I was interested in running for my area and using my personal S&S set but I never received a response....