Homebrew Race - The Dreem!

Homebrew and House Rules

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So, a long time ago when I played fourth edition, a friend of mine found this custom race which I believed was called Dreem. The premise is that they are Drow who have redeemed themselves in the eyes of Corellon. Since I can't manage to find the original Dreem, so I decided to remake it to the best of my ability, in Pathfinder. I made this without the ARG rules, and with the Power of Ki rules in mind. Also, when I made them, I couldn't remember if they had Fey Step or not, so I substituted that with Shadowmeld like the Nightelves from Warcraft.

Dreem are an offshoot of the elven race, having sprung in the last few hundred years from the Drow. They are, in effect, redeemed Drow. Dreem have begun to move across Golarion, spreading throughout the Inner Sea to try to convince their cousins the Elves and the Drow into reaching an understanding and acceptance. However, Drow tend to kill or fleshwarp them if they can, and the Dreem have learned how to hide from their evil cousins. Likewise, Elves view Dreem as inherently untrustworthy.
Some Dreem come from the union, either willing or not, of a Drow and an Elf. Others are fey-touched Forlorn Elves, and others still are Drow that have sought redemption and received it. They tend to have skin tones ranging from pale lavender to deep purple. Their hair is usually silver or white like their Drow progenitors, and their eyes range in a variety of colors like their Elven cousins.
Ability Scores: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con
Medium: Dreem are Medium creatures, and have no bonuses or penalties to their size.
Humanoid (Elf): Dreem are humanoids with the Elf subtype.
Base Speed: 30 ft
Low-Light Vision: Dreem can see normally under low-light conditions.
Elven Immunities: Dreem gain a +2 bonus against enchantments and are immune to sleep effects.
Keen Senses: Dreem gain a +2 bonus to Perception.
Silent Stalker: Dreem gain a +2 bonus to Stealth and Survival.
Shadow Meld: Dreem have the ability to turn invisible at night or in darkness as a spell-like ability as a way to avoid their dangerous cousins. However, it only works when they aren’t moving.
Weapon Familiarity: Dreem that survive to adulthood are familiar with all Elven and Drow weapons.
Languages: Dreem begin play knowing Common and Elven. Dreem with high intelligence scores can choose Drow Sign Language, Sylvan, Undercommon, Gnome and Dwarven.

Alternate Racial Traits:
Alluring Beauty: Dreem’s range of violet skin tones and pale hair make them naturally beautiful to many mortal races. They can use their Wisdom modifier in place of their Charisma modifier on all related skill checks. This ability replaces Keen Senses and Silent Stalker.
Darkvision: Some Dreem can see in the dark up to 60ft. This trait replaces Low-Light Vision.
Dreem Magic: Dreem gain the following spells as spell-like abilities: Daze 1/day, Detect Poison 3/day, Know Direction 1/day. This ability replaces Shadow Meld.
Naturally Psionic: Dreem with this ability gain Wild Talent as a bonus feat at level 1. If they were to gain Wild Talent through a class, they would instead gain the Psionic Endowment Feat. This trait replaces Shadow Meld.
Psionic Aptitude: Some Dreem are more psionically apt than others, and gain a ki pool equal to their Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This ability replaces Keen Senses and Silent Stalker.
Starlight Redemption: Dreem can use Detect Alignment 1/day as a spell-like ability, and gain a +2 Sense Motive and always treat it as a class skill. This trait replaces Keen Senses and Silent Stalker.

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This seems alright. Though, I find the premise very bizarre that it's a new race that's an offshoot of an existing one. I'm not really sure how a drow redeeming themselves undoes thousands of years of evolution.

I remember something like this...

Cyrad wrote:
I'm not really sure how a drow redeeming themselves undoes thousands of years of evolution.

On Golarion drow can form directly from elves that become evil enough. The original drow were created by the interaction of energies from the Darklands and the touch of Rovagug. So there's a precedence for "drowism" not being an inherent part of Golarion drow (though getting rid of it is supposed to turn them back into elves instead).

So they seem alright? Not over-powered or anything? The flavor can be changed however you wish, this is just what I thought of in relation to how the Drow and the Elves are on Golarion, as Silvercat pointed out. I thought maybe they still have a taint of evil to them, which prevents them from becoming Elves. Or perhaps they are divinely marked or something, with the destiny of uniting all Aelfkind. It's whatever really, I just wanted to ensure they were balanced.

Perhaps -2 CHA is a consideration. They are hated by non-Drow for being Drow, and hated by Drow for not being Drow.

Cyrad wrote:
This seems alright. Though, I find the premise very bizarre that it's a new race that's an offshoot of an existing one. I'm not really sure how a drow redeeming themselves undoes thousands of years of evolution.

Yeah, it really should be a culture. But then again, barbarians should be cultures too. This game is funny that way.

You're right cheechako. A -2 Cha does make more sense than -2 Con. It works with Alluring Beauty too.

You should probably indicate whether they can go invisible as an "at-will spell-like ability" if it is your intent they can do so at-whim at night or in darkness. Minor nitpick on clarity, as I find myself looking for at-will or x/day every time I read it ("it" being shadowmeld).

Thanks, I'll change that too.

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