B.O.B.Johnson |
I tried searching the forum and doing a web search but I can't seem to find an answer.
My question on the Flank trick for animal companions is simple: is it a passive trick. IE, if I give the animal companion the command to attack a target, does it automatically try to move into a flank if there is one available (passive) - or for it to flank require me to give it the command directly?
The reason I ask is because I have this one GM that insists that if it is attacking an opponent, and ally comes up next to my animal companion (and is adjacent to the enemy), my animal companion will circle the enemy taking any number of attacks of opportunity to get to the opposing side of the ally - even though I only told the animal companion to attack (and not the direct flank command).
I would prefer that it be an active command. Meaning without me commanding it to flank, it just goes straight at the opponent it was directed at and attacks. It also does not sit there and 5 ft step around the enemy each turn to get into a flank. If the opponent moves it just moves in a straight line towards its target - again not auto-flanking.
Based on what I've read about animal companion's intelligence, tactics, and tricks, it doesn't auto-flank even it knows the trick - it only flanks when you order it do so.

TGMaxMaxer |
Tricks should not be used by the GM at a detriment to the animal. If the animal knows the flank trick, it will (like most real life animals who pack attack) prefer that position, but not to the point that it takes free hits getting there.
What should happen is it is a passive trick, where the animal has been trained to circle the opponent if it has an opening, and try to flank if space allows.