Recent threads in Movies
Gamer Life
![]() My overwhelming preference is to see movies on weekdays, early in the day, when children and teenagers are in school and most people are at work. That tends to cut out most of the shenanigans. That said, now and again I see a movie on an evening, or worse a Friday or Saturday, and the behavior of a huge portion of theater goers is atrocious. The one off whisperer that wants to be clever to a friend and the guy who has to check his phone in the middle of the movie (yeah, I can see it light up from where I'm sitting, it's distracting) are the most common annoyance, and generally simply worth ignoring. Once you've done something twice though you graduate to repeat offender and (if feasible) get a polite "would you please stop". If you continue you get another polite whisper. Third time I get up, move over to you, and tell you to stop. It rarely comes to that, and I've never had anyone push it beyond that. I have the advantage though of being a really large man who looks relatively intimidating. Last time I had to break out a non-polite answer was when I went to see Lucy (which was awful) on opening night with my roommate. This foreign couple on the other end of the row literally spent the first 5 minutes talking, not whispering, to each other. I politely asked them to stop. Minutes later they started again, picking up their extended conversation. I asked them a second time. Third time I broke out the profanity and they got up and left the theater hurriedly. They didn't come back. I don't really understand what is so difficult about common courtesy, but then I'm also the guy who tends to use his 'ma'ams', 'sirs', and 'thank you's' even in casual interactions. Maybe I'm just old fashioned? People pay (good) money to see a movie in theaters, and it truly bothers me that others piss all over that experience for the minor gratification of checking email, text messages, or making a meaningless quip. ![]()
![]() Removed a post and the resulting derail. We're really not super comfortable about facilitating discussions dissecting/debating how other members of our community interact in their own personal lives (making assumptions about their ability to parent, in this case). The overall discussion that was removed in response to those posts concerning politeness and so forth is likely better off in the Off Topic forum, though. Please remember that the other people you're interacting with here are still people, and to use some of the rhetoric that was lost in the shuffle here: just because someone is being a jerk on our messageboards, doesn't absolve you from responding in kind. Be cool to each other, guys. ![]()
![]() Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote: So no talking about douches in movie theaters in a thread titled Douches In Movie Theaters? Why not just lock the thread? The issue here is that those posts are in response and quoting other response that were removed for the reasons indicated above. Some of this discussion also spiraled into a more general discussion of politeness outside the context of the threads original premise. We've chosen not to lock the thread because other than that, it's pretty much OK. I apologize if this doesn't jive with everyone, and if there's any important post you'd like recovered to start a new thread about the more general topic of niceties and politeness in the real world, I'm happy to provide you with the text if you send an email to ![]()
![]() I'd call it douchebaggery, primarily because that's going to hurt the staff the most. That's essentially stealing - taking more than was paid for. The loss of money isn't going to affect the big media companies or even the parent theatre company, because they get their money regardless. It's going to come out of - or perhaps more accurately, not make its way into - the paychecks of the local staff. ![]()
![]() Chris Lambertz wrote:
JIBE not JIVE. /nitpick ![]()
![]() Kthulhu wrote:
LOL yeah I returned to this thread and was like "next" and saw a blank page 3... like whaaaat? Went back to page 2... okay... page 3.. WHaaat? Page 4.. okay.. Page 3? WHaaaaaaat? Thought my internet was acting up and not loading page 3! :D
Recent threads in Movies