S&S PbP Considerations

Skull & Shackles

Scarab Sages

I really want to run this campaign, but I lack the time in the real world. So, if I do run Skull & Shackles, it will have to be a pbp game.

But, I worry about several things, considering the lengthy nature of pbp.

Possibly Tedious Bits:
  • The first twenty days on the Wormwood. Though there is potential for a lot of roleplay, which is great, I worry that this part of the game could be inanely repetitive.
  • The part at the beginning of RotFS, where the party builds up plunder and ill repute. Once again, I worry about it growing too repetitive. Plus, ship combat could leave several players out of the game for good chunks of time.
  • The Regatta...I worry about being able to properly build up the tension.

Does anyone have any experience with running/playing this campaign on pbp? Or just good ideas on how to keep the excitement going during these parts of the campaign?

There's been one group to finish Skull and Shackles via PBP on these forums. They did it in four months.

Check it out here.

There were some liberties taken. Some areas were expanded on, others were streamlined or removed. They cut out ship battles entirely somewhere around the third book.

It was my group!

I am running one on Facebook. We are using excel as a dice roller. I will post then they have 8-12 hrs to respond. If they all respond before then then I will continue the story. Facebook is good because they get notification on their phones, I can easily post pictures, and if someone is role playing then we can do it IM. If they don't post then I kind of auto pilot them. Plus when I give them perception checks I IM them and no one else sees or knows what is happening, you can also set up group ims so if more than one person knows something the others don't. This way is pretty fun so far because I got one player coehersing with the hostile pirates and sabotaging encounters.hes a rogue and his stealth check are always to high for the others to even know what is going on. You just have to have players that trust your rolls. But if it is too crazy I take screenshots of the excel sheet and post it in the round. Oh, also facebook groups have a files section so that's were I put the character sheets and all that other stuff.

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