Back Pirate Loot, get Minotaur Games PDFs!

Product Discussion

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Hey there all,

As the Pirate Loot card game Kickstarter draws to a close, I have added a new backer level that includes every Pathfinder-compatible PDF created by Minotaur Games!

For just $45, you get every reward of the Gunner level (which normally costs $35), and every Minotaur Games Pathfinder-compatible PDF! Including:

Monster Focus: Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls, Mummies, and Liches
Favored Terrain: Crossroads Inn, Lucky Dragon
Rule Zero: Critical Hits, Underlings, and Gem Magic

That's a $25 value for just an extra $10!

The Pirate Loot Kickstarter runs until Friday, September 19th at 9PM PST.

Click Here to check out Pirate Loot

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

For a complete list of the PDFs included in the deal, check out the Minotaur Games store at THIS LINK!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

If you are already a backer, you can bump up your pledge and select the Minotaur Gunner reward level by visiting the Pirate Loot kickstarter page!

(I've gotten that question a few times now, figured it was worth pointing out)

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

And now we have a backer graphic to help you make sense of all the pledge levels. Think of it like your treasure map.

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Lead Designer

Hey there all!

If you check your Paizo store email, you will see a small bump for Pirate Loot!

We just broke the $30k Stretch Goal, unlocking bonus cards for all backers at the Gunner Level and above and we revealed our newest expansion faction. Joining Undead Pirates in the 6-Player Deck will be Sneaky Pirates!

You can see all the news RIGHT HERE!

And of course, there is still plenty of room for more Minotaur Gunners! Support Pirate Loot and get Pathfinder-compatible PDFs as well!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Just under 5 days left in the Pirate Loot Kickstarter! Time is running out to get all those Minotaur Games PDFs for 60% off by backing the project!

If you are interested in seeing how Pirate Loot plays, we've posted up a Play-Thru Video!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

Just 58 hours left!!!

Final hours for the Pirate Loot Kickstarter!

We've surpassed $50K, but you can help get us to $60K and unlock an expansion deck for all backers at the Gunner Level and above!

As of this post, there is just over 5 hours left! The Pirate Loot Kickstarter ends at 9pm PST!

Jason Bulmahn
Minotaur Games

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