speeding up the last few chapters

Shackled City Adventure Path

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I need some advice from those that have completed this campaign. I want to speed up the second half of the campaign. I'm about to start the Secrets of the Soul Pillars chapter.

What i want advice on is what parts can I just delete without hurting the story too much. What parts I can shorten? Ideas on how to combine some events into a single event? etc.

any suggestions would be helpful.


Liberty's Edge

If you are feeling so inclined, there is a fair amount of chaff you can trim from the campaign. For starters, Strike on Shatterhorn should be chopped even if you're not trying to shorten the campaign, it's just a weak entry overall. When it comes to strong entries that can be cut, you can easily remove Foundation of Flame since it contains an event that is pretty obviously going to happen but not related to the main story and is the culmination of the Hookface sub-plot, which also is a nice ending to that story, but not related to the main plot. If you haven't foreshadowed Adimarchus too much you can remove Asylum and end the campaign with Thirteen Cages, which a lot of people do. When I ran the campaign I spent a ton of time foreshadowing Adimarchus so it wouldn't have worked for me to drop the last chapter, but as written, he's not mentioned very much prior to the end.

Dropping these substantial segments of the story will require some smoothing out but shouldn't have too much impact outside of the scaling of encounters that will need to happen. It should shorten the second half of the campaign to focus just on the battle with the Cagewrights as told in Lords of Oblivion and Thirteen Cages. If you want to chop up the adventures themselves, the Fiery Sanctum in Thirteen Cages could probably be made smaller. It's been a while since I read the adventures so I'm not sure where you could start there. Lord of Oblivion has some material outside the big dungeon and final showdown but I recommend keeping it for completeness of story sake.

Funny I just answered another thread with almost exactly the same concerns.

I would finish up at a modified 'Lords of Oblivion'. I go straight from the Secrets of the Souls Pillars to the first half of Lords, then I would pinch a few choice parts of Foundations of fire then finish up at Orbius Manor where I would have the Tree of Shackled Souls. I won't include anything else.

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