First evar Destined Primalist Steelblood Bloodrager or Mr Tanky Smash Smash


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Haven't played a bloodrager yet.
Have a ton of experience with Barbarians so am building around him being a tank. Decent AC with a F**king BIG gun.

The idea was to choose as many scaling AC/Save and Damage boosts as possible to have the build start out decent and gradually ramp up to being a monster.


Proposed Build:

Race-Skilled Human
Traits- Fates Favored, Optimistic Gambler

1-Destined Bloodline, Bloodline Power-Destined Strike, Bloodrage,Indomitable StancePower Attack, H-Skill Focus: Perception
2-Armored Swiftness
3-Blood SanctuaryCombat Expertise
4-Blood Casting, Bloodline Power-Fated BloodRager +1, Eschew Materials
5-Armor Training +1Improved Trip
6-Bloodline Feat-Intimidating Prowess
7-Bloodline Spell (Shield), Blood Deflection, Combat Reflexes
8-Fated BloodRager +2, Bloodline Power-Lesser Beast Totem, Reckless Abandon, Skill Focus: Survival
9-Armor Training +2, Bloodline Feat-Weapon Focus (Nodachi) , Eldritch Heritage- Touch of Rage
10-Bloodline Spell (Blur)
11-Greater Bloodrage, Quicken SLA (Touch of Rage)
12-Fated BloodRager +3, Bloodline Feat- Improved Initiative, Bloodline Power-Beast Totem, Greater Beast Totem
13-Bloodline Spell (Protection from Energy), Armor Training +3, Dazing Assault
14-Indomitable Will
15-Bloodline Feat- Leadership, Improved Eldritch Heritage-Strength of the Beast (+4 Inherent to Strength)
16-Fated BloodRager +4, Bloodline Spell (Freedom of Movt), Bloodline Power-Come and Get Me, Guarded Stance, Skill Focus: Diplomacy
17-Armor Training +4,Tireless Bloodrage , Greater Eldritch Heritage- Power of Giants
18-Bloodline Feat-Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus: Diplomacy
19-(Strength of the Beast +6 Inherent to Strength), Raging Brutality
20-Fated BloodRager +5,Mighty Bloodrage, Bloodline Power-Superstition, Witchunter

Class Ability Description

By level 20

Basically the premise is to use Base 10 +5 Fullplate (+14)/Dex+belt(+4)(/Fated Bloodrager (+6)/Guarded Stance (+4)/Amulet (+5)/Ring(+5)/+4 Beast Totem for a good AC of 52 (a Good AC is considered your level+20)
-6 for Reckless Abandon
-4 Come and Get Me
for 42 AC (so still good)

Strength- Base Str16 (18 from levels)+6Belt/+6 Inherant to Str(Feats)/+8 Mighty Bloodrage/+5 Str (+5 Furious, Keen Courageous) = Str 43 (+16 to hit) When Raging and ups to 49 (+19 to hit) when using Power of Giants

Attack Bonus BAB20+ 7(Weapon Enhancement)+ 16 (Total Strength bonus when Raging)= 43 just in a rage
+6 Reckless Abandon
+1 Weapon Focus
-5 Dazing Assault
-6 Power Attack
so still an attack bonus of 39 just when raging.
If he uses his Touch of Rage Power from Eldritch Heritage he adds another +8 to attack for 1+1d4 rounds as a swift action 3/day

Seems pretty sweet to me.
You could have Power Attack, Reckless Abandon and Dazing Assault on ALL THE TIME and still hit just about anything in the bestiary with a moderate roll (I can't remember the Average AC per CR exactly though)

all the while maintaining a Good AC of 42.
Damage wise I won't crunch the numbers but with a STR of 43 when raging and two handing an effetively +7 enhancement keen weapon, I am sure the numbers are fine.
If he uses his Touch of Rage Power from Eldritch Heritage he adds another +8 to damage rolls for 1+1d4 rounds as a swift action 3/day
Very late in the build he gets Raging Brutality to add more mega damage at the expense of Bloodrage rounds.

Fort Save is rediculous and Will is still ok.
Weak base will but adding +6 to the normal bonuses because of Fated Bloodrager helps ALOT. as well as the normal bonus to will from raging and the courageous enchant.
This I believe is his weakest area.

I have to sleep now cause I just finished a 12 hour nightshift.
Please let me know if there are any glaring holes in the build or my math.

Liberty's Edge

Optimistic Gambler isn't generally available, being a Campaign Trait, and thus shouldn't be the basis of a build.

A lot of the Rage powers also come online way later than they should. IMO, you'd be better off getting Lesser Beast Totem and Beast Totem at 8th, and Greater Beast Totem and Come and Get Me at 12th, then at 16th you can get Reckless Abandon if you like, though honestly, the Destined power at that level is better.

Just saw this in another thread, but if Optimistic Gambler is unavailable, there is another option:
(You are your own ally)

Instead of 1d4 you get 2 rounds, which is a little worse overall, but at least youll never roll a 1.

Thanks for that. Added.

Also, while I think this build is pretty sweet.

I remebered another thread and in play and the raw numbers,
this build is actually pretty similar to a Sacred Servant Paladin with the RAGE subdomain, Orc Eldritch Bloodline and a Furious/Corageous weapon.

The main difference is the Bloodrager will have a slightly higher attack bonus (due to more rage powers for reckless abandon) and better AC,

But will have worse buff spells (no Holy Sword, No deadly jughernaught etc) and better utility casting

The pally has slightly less AC, But doesn't care cause Swift LOH+Fey Foundling.
His Attack, Damage, AC Vs Evil is Higher (Cause of SMITE and Oath of Vengeance)

Both Builds are pretty crazy but I get you wouldn't call it power creep since the Pally Build could be done as soon as the Advanced Players Guide came out.

Weird part is I can find no writing in the Bloodrager write up about Bloodragers having a reduced caster level.

Both the Pally and the Ranger treat Caster Level as Char level -3, but it appears this rule does not apply to a bloodrager?

STR Ranger wrote:

Weird part is I can find no writing in the Bloodrager write up about Bloodragers having a reduced caster level.

Both the Pally and the Ranger treat Caster Level as Char level -3, but it appears this rule does not apply to a bloodrager?

This was an intentional design change, the dev team felt the -3 caster level was an unneeded relic of 3.5 that they wanted to move away from.

Cool. So I hope that gets canned in PF unchained for Ranger and Pally.

Just revisiting this idea vs doing an Arcane blooded rager.

Will have to see if the Arcane Version could be sweeter.

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