Thinking about an Iron Gods party, either as PC or NPC..


So, I'm completely hooked on the Iron Gods theme. I'm more than likely going to be running the campaign, but sometimes my group wants me (being the most experienced with the PF rules in the group..not saying much though, you all know MUCH more than I ) to create the characters. If they don't like them.. I intend to use something along these lines as a rival group. There are three players, so we're using a 20 point buy.

Party concept (if for PCs) - basically, a disgruntled Technic League member leaves, for whatever reasons (lack of advancement, moral differences..whatever) along with his two friends...if the party is NPC, I'll simply just leave them as part of the League.

Character 1 - the party leader, and face, the League member. I'm not sure what class to make him. If he's a PC, I was thinking of Shaman. A really good support class that might have a reason to split from the League. Arcanist works too.. or an Oracle with the Metal mystery? I really don't know. Something that flows with having skill with tech..maybe the charisma Magus? Probably Human.

Character 2 - an Orc Barbarian 1 / Fighter (Cyber-Soldier). He was captured by unscrupulous Lastwall crusaders and found himself sold to the kytons underneath Numeria, where he was experimented on and lost an arm..they eventually lost interest in him, and he was set free to wander, where he met the first character..whose mentor in the Technic League saw an opportunity and outfitted him with a cybernetic arm. (I'm giving that enhancement for free)

Character 3 - a Gunslinger (Techslinger) Human, the face's no-cares-in-the-world brother who was just a hanger-on in the League due to his brother's successes, but who has a bit of talent of his own, though not having any arcane skill, he is treated with a bit of a stigma..a fact which he secretly resents, and tries to prove himself at every turn, while effecting an "I don't care" attitude.

Anything jump out at you as to the first character, what he should be? Both in terms of party gameplay (needs to be the face) and in terms of storyline, to fit with the other two? Any feats I should be taking for the other two?

I've started working on the Gunslinger, but I'm not sure if it's better to go with two pistols and Two-Weapon Fighting, or just lug a rifle and some heavy gear. I've built him with the rifles in mind first.

Dax, the Techslinger:

Name : Dax
Race : Human

Trait - Vagabond (Disable Device)
Trait - Reactionary
Trait (campaign) - Against the Technic League

Str -11 Dex - 18 Con - 12 Wis - 14 Int - 12 Cha - 10

1 - Gunslinger (Techslinger) - Gunsmithing, Precise Shot, Point-Blank Shot
3 - Rapid Shot
4 - Technologist
5 - Improved Initiative, technic training (laser rifle)
7 - Snap Shot
8 - Extra Grit
9 - Craft Tech Arms & Armor , technic training (zero rifle)
11 - Improved Precise Shot
12 - Signature Deed (Covet Charge)
13 - Improved Snap Shot, technic training (x-laser)
15 - Greater Snap Shot

That's as far as I've taken it thus far. I intentionally avoided Weapon Focus, I don't want to lock myself into a weapon then find something better and different down the campaign path. I'm also operating under the assumption that at some point there will be access to different kinds of labs for crafting. I'm pretty sure Rapid Reload's not really worth it when using batteries. Especially after access to Signature Deed (Covet Charge).

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