Cuttler |
Hi guys. Ok, I've looked at many threads (including the guides ) and I haven't found the exact build that I'm trying to do, which is a frostbite (enforcer)/ bodyguard Magus for a home game (not PFS). So I need your help....up to lvl 15 (don't expect to go beyond)
The exact nature of the party (of 5)is still unknown, but I expect 2-3 melee (including me) , a divine caster and an arcane caster(probably a wizard). The idea is to get in melee, bash and uses some debuffs such as frostbites during my turn and then get to use the bodyguard feat during the enemy's turn to protect my friends. However, since 40-50% of the campaign will be in Ustalav, I expect a lot of undead, and thus need back-up plan instead of frostbite.
It will be a 25 pt buy, and I will be human. 2 traits (possibly 3 if I take a drawback). Still undecided about the str or dex build. Dex is probably the obvious build for obvious reasons (more AoO) but seems to be more feat intensive....Although, I didn't get the chance to look at the new feats in ACG (maybe there is something worth it in there).
Note: I've looked at the hexcrafter and know it is awesome, but nobody has tried magus in our group so far, so want to play the basic one (for now...)
So here is my original build:
traits: magical lineage (frostbite or shocking grasp???) & bruising intellect (to use with enforcer)
note: I have considered adopted trait (Halfling) for +4 aid another vs +2 normally , but would have to replace bruising intellect (both are social traits)
STR or DEX: 16 (+2)= 18
DEX or STR: 12
Con: 14
INT: 17 (+1 at lvl 4)
Wis: 9
Cha: 7
By having a low cha and wisdom,, would like to play the character a little bit like Sheldon in Big bang...so clueless in people relationship and little empathy to others. With his high intellect, would feel superior to others though....(interesting roleplaying in mind)
feats: this is where the build is tricky (depending on which build)...trying to meet all builds...
Dex enforcer/bodyguard build or STR Build
1: Weapon finesse 1: Rime spell
1(human): enforcer 1 (human): Enforcer
3: combat reflexes 3: Combat reflexes
for both builds from then on....
5:Rime spell
5: bodyguard
7:Intensify Spell
9:Empower spell
11:spell penetration
11:???? (critical focus??)
13:greater spell penetration
15:Spell perfection
agile weapon for dex damage
Looking forward for your advices and experiences about such builds....thanks

Thaago |
hmmm...what would you reduce? int?
I don't think your stats are correct for 25 point buy. You can do a base 16/16/14/10/10 or a 16/14/14/14/10/10 for 25, for example.
Notes that intensify spell and empower spell, while useful for other things, don't do anything good for frostbite.
If you are going bodyguard, be aware of the gloves of arcane striking and benevolent armor.

Cuttler |
I don't mind dumping charisma, so maybe something like: 16/16/14/13/11/7
Intensify and empower were there to amplify shocking grasp when meeting undead (which will be quite present in next campaign)
If you are going bodyguard, be aware of the gloves of arcane striking and benevolent armor.
thanks... I was aware of those two, and beneficial armor will be a must. Just wondering if arcane strike is really worth it though for the build...it will increase the bodyguard bonus (aid another) by +3 at level 12 (in addition to increase my damage), so interesting, but not overwhelming...
In your experience,is the feat worth it?
Still wondering about whether the dex build or strength build. Dex seems obvious but pretty feat intensive.

Thaago |
Bleh, it really depends on the details of your build whether or not Arcane Strike is worth it. On the one hand, free damage is always nice, and between that and using arcane pool to charge up the weapon you can stack a surprising amount into every hit. On the other hand, it uses up a swift action so doesn't play nice with Arcane Accuracy.
So, do you want your Magus to be more endurance or more nova? If you want endurance than Arcane Strike is a great, resource free way to boost DPR. Get Wand Wielder instead of Arcane Accuracy and you're good to go all day.
As for strength vs dex builds: How long will you spend at low level? Dex builds require an agile weapon or dervish dancer at 3rd level to compete in terms of damage - you will feel woefully underpowered until you get one or the other. The strength build's 1.5xStr on single attacks when not spellcasting also makes a surprisingly large amount of difference.
That said, the dex build is numerically superior for the cost of 1 or 2 feats once things get online. (2 AC, reflex, initiative, and some nice skills that will scale with stat boost items). Just don't dump strength or the encumbrance will kill you. (Or a shadow)
I played the following strength build from 1-5 and it was both good and a lot of fun. Not optimal, but good:
Human Magus (15 point buy)
Str: 14 + 2
Con: 14
Dex: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 10
1: Arcane Strike
1-human: Weapon Focus (Scimitar)
3: Power Attack
Arcana: Wand Wielder
5: Intensify Spell
5-bonus: Extra Arcane Pool
Wand of True Strike + Trip/Disarm is a wonderful thing, even if you do eat an AOO. So don't worry too much about strength vs dex: you'll be fine. Unless you are playing with hyper hyper optimizers, in which case just sigh in frustration and dervish a scimitar with an elf.
[Edit] Bleeg, I must have misremembered since weapon focus can't be taken at 1st by a Magus. Well, whatever it was it had arcane strike and power attack and arcane pool'd weapon to keep damage continuously pretty high.