Reviewing the Reviews (Seasons 4 through 6)

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

Benjamin Falk wrote:

I´ve read a lot of the complaints about assault on the wound and scars of the thrid crusade and i really can´t understand them.

Assault on the Wound closes part of the main storyline of season 5, the story is building up over several scenarios before and it was pretty clear that this type of event was coming. Just look at the boons....

. Moving all armies into one square and then wiping single players out is a bad GM move, not the scenarios fault. You can also ask your players not to do that. I had one destroyed player army due to the player not retrating in time and bad dice luck, but that was in the second battle. The first battle is a joke really. Also please don´t blame it on the scenario when you did not understand the mass combat rules properly or they were explained poorly. And bad player tactics or decisions is another such thing. Even in the final fight there is a save chance for the players, what is really nice. When i played it first, the sight of a creature with wings and an open mouth with a cliff going down 100 feet made my character secure herself with a rope at the ladder as a first action.

Story wise, I agree with you that Assault was a good wrap up, but mechanically

expecting GMs and players to competently play a brand new war game the first time IS a design flaw. The first battle is basically a practice run. But even so the game is more complex than can be mastered in a single 4 hour or so session.

And adding in a second new mechanic (troops) in the same scenario was an egregious mistake IMO

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I find that many many people don't know how the Fascinated condition works. When we got hit with in in Trial by Machine I quickly pointed this out to the other players, and everyone got slapped back into action within a round. After that the monster switched to another ability but the target rolled well on saves.

I do think the GM may have forgotten to apply hardness to energy damage, as my alchemical attacks proved very effective.


Trial by Machine:
The Fearmonger Prototype has no hardness on all levels.
Fascinated: wrote:
Fascinated: A fascinated creature is entranced by a supernatural or spell effect. The creature stands or sits quietly, taking no actions other than to pay attention to the fascinating effect, for as long as the effect lasts. It takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat, such as a hostile creature approaching, allows the fascinated creature a new saving throw against the fascinating effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the fascinated creature, automatically breaks the effect. A fascinated creature's ally may shake it free of the spell as a standard action.

I read that if the fearmonger attacks a player, the effect ends. Otherwise bards would be horribly strong^^

Assault on the Wound:
Perhaps this is just me as a strategy game player, but i did not find those rules very difficult. Admitted, the boon section could have been explained a bit better, but the rules on combat are pretty clear as far as i can see. We had plenty of time and all understood that well.

Sczarni 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Trial By Machine:
I'm away from my materials here, but I believe the Fearmonger has a special fascinate that also lets him approach without breaking? This is kind of tough, but it only really let me get one hit off before my PCs blasted through him after slapping sense back into their wide-eyed friends.


Trial by Machine:

Yes, it can approach, but not attack. That´s not written in the scenario, but under the given scarecrow entry.
Fascinating Gaze (Su) wrote:
Target is fascinated, 30 feet, Will DC 14 negates. Fascination lasts as long as the scarecrow remains within 300 feet of the fascinated creature. The approach or animation of the scarecrow does not count as an obvious threat to the victim of this particular fascination effect (although the scarecrow's attack does count as an obvious threat and ends the fascination immediately). This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Written tactics During Combat: The fearmonger prototype tries locking down all adversaries with its fascination gaze, then attempts to pick off one opponent at a time doesn´t work out that good unfortunately. But that´s the only flaw if you ask me, because then potentialy the fear ability comes into play.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Assault on the Wound:
I'm playing this right now, near the end, so I feel okay to talk about it, though it's not totally complete. The issue is not the Mass combat per se. It's the fact that my highly Taldor focused character is basically completely ignored by this scenario so far. The one thing this scenario cares about at the start is simply my Cha score, which is ok, not great, because I supplemented it with skills, boons, and the like. None of my powers/spells/domains matter at all, no matter how much sense it makes. That is just hands down terrible design. I have no issue with using Mass Combat, but the half-assed form they went with was a bad idea. If they would have devoted another page or two the PFS special rules for this scenario allowing other aspects of a character to matter on the field, this could have been really good. Some specific things would be to allow large area affects to function on an army, above and beyond what the armies abilities are. They group up and get Bless, Inspire Courage, Channel Energy, etc. . .
Next, and this is just from my characters perspective, we have the swarm of archers, which once again, because they decided to use special half-assed rules, basically invalidates my entire character who could otherwise wade into a small group of archers and have a lot of fun enlarging with a reach weapon and AoOing the crap out of them. But nope, they are not actually a group of archers, but a pseudo-swarm, similar to one of the most complained about monster types in PFS. We get it, someone really wanted to push Ultimate Campaign sells or something. Got it.
Not going to comment yet on anything past that point, but so far, this scenario has made my character basically not matter. Now, so far, from all the of Taldor focused scenarios we have literally been told "this does nothing now, but wait and see", which leads specifically to this one. And we get a single new option, but it's also specifically written so that if more than one character qualify and chooses it, that particular army(s) basically gets severely weakened, and it's kind of meh to start with.
They really need to rewrite this one, discarding the existing Mass Combat and Troop rules to focus on making characters matter. And to add in something worth a damn for Taldor which this was supposed to be the finale for all of the previous Taldor stories boons. Even the Chronicle Sheet reward for Taldor is extremely meh, not to mention contains errors. Wait, I get 2 uses of a spell? No cool title. No cool RP saying you are now a general or something. A spell x2. It's an ok spell, if you can't already use it, but that's it? Seriously. Now add in after this Taldor goes away for this Sov Court which basically double screws a lot of Taldor character's whole theme, (admittedly not an issue with this scenario, but they obviously did know this before it even came out), and I honestly wish I had never played it, and just went on with my character's whole background on my own.

But it's things like that that people that hate the scenario are complaining about,

add in the fact that the final BBEG is kind of unsatisfying, (have not played it yet personally, so just going off of what I have heard)
, it's not that they used Mass Combat, it's that they chose to basically ignore all aspects of a character and their past experience and their abilities the vast majority of the time except for their Cha Score in was supposed to be a Season Finale. People generally are ok with trying out new things. It's how they did it here, though, and it's so obvious that they should have known this before it was even out.


James McTeague wrote:
Serisan wrote:

I just played Trial By Machine today.

** spoiler omitted **

The besides the final encounter, I thought it was pretty fun, though I was extremely disappointed by the lack of Ion Gloves on the chronicle.

** spoiler omitted **

My character did not see anyone get fascinated before approaching, failed the save while approaching, and was neither in a position to be attacked or to be shaken by an ally. If, while fascinated, you can still look away, that's was a misplay by the table, but we were also given a saving throw each turn we were fascinated, which may or may not be correct, either. My dice hated me on these saves (there was dice shaming involved and 4 consecutive 6s rolled on multiple dice). In any case, we did succeed at the encounter without any deaths, but a DC 16 save in a 30' radius without any action from the monster is ridiculous for level 1-2.
Shadow Lodge 4/5

Yes, you do also get a new save each of your turns to snap out of it.

Not sure why there's so many complaints of it was too powerful followed by, but we beat it and nobody died. If that's true then clearly it was not too powerful, everyone succeeded at it.


gnoams wrote:

Yes, you do also get a new save each of your turns to snap out of it.

Not sure why there's so many complaints of it was too powerful followed by, but we beat it and nobody died. If that's true then clearly it was not too powerful, everyone succeeded at it.

I just played Trail by Machine as my 1st PFS adventure. We survived because our party had 3 1st level & 2 4th level pregenerated characters. The presence of the 4th level characters, and their bundle of HP saved the party several times.

BTW: My 1st level Paladin did survive although as one of the party fighters he spent much of the time lying unconscious.


Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

"Benjaamin Falk wrote:
We had plenty of time

That might be the major difference right there. If you have 1/2 an hour or so to explain the rules, do a couple of examples, etc I'm sure things would go much better


Plenty of time means a 5 hour slot on a Con with a table of 6 people i never met before.
I played it before thanks to one of our Grandmasters here and we had excellent preparation, everything copied on hand outs etc.
Having a slot 0 was a very good thing in this case.

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