Necro for great justice. I have happened upon this thread twice now looking for relevent answers, and I just have to sort this out. My apologies.
rhesus_pieces wrote:
I searched to see if this had come up with anybody yet, but it seems that it hasn't been asked yet.
How does strangle from the Brawler (Strangler archetype) work with other sources of sneak attack damage?
Let's say we had a Brawler 2/1 Rogue with the strangler and snakebite striker archetypes. When he chooses to inflict damage during the grapple, will he deal 2d6 or 4d6 damage (assume that sneak attack would not be applied if the strangler ability doesn't come into play). How does the Strangle feat work with this?
Emphasis mine. These archetypes cannot be stacked, as they both alter the class skills. How they alter them is not relevent for PFS, unfortunately. This means you would have either a Brawler(Strangler) 2/Rogue 1, or Brawler(Snakebite Striker) 2/Rogue 1.
With the first, there would be 3d6 Sneak Attack dice in the mix, and with the second, there would be 2d6 Sneak Attack dice.
As to the question at hand (or that was at hand), I agree that the stacking language in the Strangle Ability would suggest that the Devs wanted the Strangler to be able to combine Sneak Attack Classes. So in the Strangler/Rogue's case, it would be Base Damage + 3d6 Sneak Attack on a Grapple for Damage, and 3d6 more if Strangler(the feat) was used.