Clarification on Combat with multiple characters at the same location

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion


I've tried to find a clarification on the forums, but was not successful.

So here goes. Please correct me if I'm wrong or confirm if I am correct.

When two characters are at the same location and encounter a monster, the character whose turn it is (assuming that he/she wants to fight it) must encounter it and roll a combat check. (Naturally, all other players may help by playing supportive cards).

When can the second character "pitch in"?

My understanding is that they can roll a subsequent combat check only if the monster requires 2 (or more) checks to defeat.

Is this correct?

Also, if the monster only requires 1 check and the encountering character loses the encounter, can the other character (who is not on his/her turn) encounter the monster and try to defeat it? My understanding is "no".

Is this correct, too?

Thanks all!

Emanuel Matos

Looks correct to me. The one thing I would clarify, the only character encountering the monster is the one who's turn it was and that did the exploring. The other character is at the same location, but they aren't encountering the monster. And you must always attempt to defeat a bane (monster, barrier, henchman, villain) if you encounter it.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Looks correct to me. The one thing I would clarify, the only character encountering the monster is the one who's turn it was and that did the exploring. The other character is at the same location, but they aren't encountering the monster. And you must always attempt to defeat a bane (monster, barrier, henchman, villain) if you encounter it.

I would just point out that a character can encounter a monster when it is not their turn and/or while not exploring.

For example, there may be powers/situations that require everyone at your location to summon and encounter a monster. In this case, you would encounter the monster, then the other person would encounter that monster, even though it may not be either of your turns.

Also, I don't believe you (the character encountering the monster) necessarily have to attempt the first check, just as long as you attempt at least one of the checks. Someone else at your location could make the first check, then you could make the second.

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