6-01 Trail by Machine

GM Discussion

Grand Lodge 3/5

Hello everyone,

I'm preparing Trial by Machine, and there's something I don't really understand. The goal of this mission is quite clear : "You'll know when you reach the finish line " (Player Handout #1). So, why the PCs would want to go into area B3 after recovering the amulet from Meleren ? For what purpose ? I mean, Ambrus Valsin told them not to wander. So, I don't get it...

Thanks for your answers


Sovereign Court 4/5

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Hopefully, they follow the Pathfinder creed of Explore. It should be fairly obvious for them to explore the remainder of the security levels.

If not, it's a fairly short adventure with very little gold. If that's what they choose to do, then so be it.

And when was the last time any Pathfinder was all that attentive to a VC's demands?

Shadow Lodge 3/5

You can also bait them by reminding them that they are supposed to get whatever was in the chest and without bringing that item back they have no proof they actually completed finish line

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

The group I just ran very nearly did leave after talking to Melaren. Once he offered them the amulet after he was safely out, they were going to leave (and lose a lot of gold and item access) until the gnome couldn't resist pushing another button. Hooray for gnomes!

Grand Lodge 3/5

Thanks for your answers !

I ran it yesterday, and the PCs didn't even think about leaving. Hooray for them !

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

When I played it, I asked if there were 3 dots and a triangle on the door? no, keep going.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Venture-Captain, Alabama—Birmingham

1) EXPLORE, report, cooperate
2) no one likes Goldilocks
3) Karzoug was right, Greed is good.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

What I did was to have Melaren tell his back story, and say that he's always felt some emotional pull here, and that he still feels the pull through the door. That was enough to prompt my players to go through the next door.

However, perhaps a better way to handle it, if the players are not going through the door would be to have the door blocked if they try and get back (not as written, but forces the railroad!)

Or, you just let them go back. It is their option. I think I'd probably do it the way I did it, if given the chance. Of course, I might have misinterpreted things, as I was running the scenario dead cold on Saturday night, as my Bonekeep 3 table did not make.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Just ran this. I like this scenario. My group had no problem going forward and in fact wanted to go back when they were done and break into the areas marked with red circles in a triangle. I had to reign them in a bit.


Ran this on Tuesday evening and although it ended with the final boss as a TPK we all had a great time with this one. After talking to Melaren the players let him go and asked if the big doors had the do not enter marks, and when told no, they continued on into the complex.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

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After looking over my copy again to see if there is any other ways to encourage the players to go down I came up with a couple of ideas:
1. Have the door leading down open and at the start of combat have the players roll a perception check to possibly hear Melaren and Shechera running down the stairs.
2. After combat (or during if they are near the door) let them make a Survival or Perception check to notice a fresh trail of blood leading down the stairs
3. Point out the thing was held down with a Tanglefoot bag and none of the bodies you've searched so far have had any on them so there it's highly likely that there are other people down here that might have some on them (and yes Meleran does have some under his combat gear)

I do like Silbeg's idea of mentioning the pull coming from deeper inside, however I wouldn't give his whole story right away unless the PC's make him friendly. It's nice to leave them with some clues and encourage them to keep talking, perhaps while healing him or something.

Another good way to force the PC's to go down is to remember that there is a vacuum effect when the doors are opened, and have familiars make strength checks not get sucked off their master's shoulder (which is where they usually sit). Granted when I ran this having the Witch's spellbook roll a -2 on his strength check caused him to almost die from Skeletons...but it did a great job forcing the party to rush after him!

So you could have Meleran while muttering about the pull walk over and just lightly brush the button next to the door causing it to open since they are swift actions in here I'd say a player couldn't stop him unless they are actively guarding the panel. Since it only causes Severe winds on small PCs and familiars will be affected.

Also since that door is the first one to have a vacuum effect the party pretty much won't be expecting it.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I'm also interested in hearing how other GMs described the hologram to their players. I tried using words the characters would understand.

Like, "a 3 dimension illusion pops up from the table, although it appears to similar to a Silent Image spell you did not hear nor see anyone or anything cast the spell. Also when you cast Detect Magic on it you detect the absence of magic. With your knowledge engineering role you can tell that this is most likely the building you are currently in."

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

That is very similar to how I described it. Described it as an illusion... You could say it was like some sort glamor, but you cannot detect any magic at all in it. I know my players were intrigued by it.

I would say don't get to tied up into trying to over describe it. The way you said it. Gabriel, seems to work.

Gabriel Smith-Dalrymple wrote:

I'm also interested in hearing how other GMs described the hologram to their players. I tried using words the characters would understand.

Like, "a 3 dimension illusion pops up from the table, although it appears to similar to a Silent Image spell you did not hear nor see anyone or anything cast the spell. Also when you cast Detect Magic on it you detect the absence of magic. With your knowledge engineering role you can tell that this is most likely the building you are currently in."

Played in this scenario at Gencon. Our group really didn't even think of turning back when presented with the area that clearly wasn't part of the actual training (didn't help that we had a halfling that we couldn't keep away from the buttons).

But as for the description we were given for the hologram. I think it was basically, he gave us a print out of the picture and told us we saw that but it was 3-d. We could pass our hands through it with no difficulty and it didn't seem to be magical in any way.

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