Hunter's Animal Companion and Hunter's Tricks from Skirmisher Ranger Archetype

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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So... dumb question, I suppose, since I've searched the forums and haven't found any recent news on this. But have folks generally agreed on:

  • the DC needed to teach an animal companion a new Skirmisher trick using the Handle Animal skill
  • the capability (yes/no) to push an AC granted by the Hunter's class ability to perform tricks from the Skirmisher archetype
  • interpretations for how to run Skirmisher tricks that don't quite make sense in the context of the AC itself performing those tricks

    I can houserule this stuff, but of course there's the PFS angle. I'm curious if there's been any news or if it's all still DIY--use a reasonable interpretation and hope your GM for the session is on board.

  • Nothing new that I have seen, and it is a subject I like to keep an eye on.

    Not sure about the push an AC to perform skirmisher tricks, my initial instinct is no, but I don't have anything to back that up.

    Feeling lazy, so I'm just gonna copy/paste an earlier answer that gives my opinion on most everything else.

    me wrote:

    The Handle Animal skill only gives you 2 choices for DCs, one for simple tricks and one for more complex tricks. It's not that difficult to assume a DC of 20 for something that is obviously more complex than "heel".

    And out of 26 tricks I spot only 8 that could be issues, and only 2 of those that really are problematic.
    4 flat out cannot be used, the 3 that require an animal companion and 1 requiring favoured enemy. Don't select those as your AC doesn't have either.
    2 require a ranged attack, slug or camel might find some small use for them, I wouldn't select them for any other AC though.
    And 2 are reactive. The 2 reactive ones are really the only problematic ones. How can you instruct your AC to use catfall if it falls when it's not your turn?

    8 out of 27 requiring some thought ... and 2 out of 27 being truly problematic...

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