Iron Gods Adventure Path Obituaries

Iron Gods

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Character Name: Santorum
Classes: Warpriest 8
Adventure: The Choking Tower
Location: 5th Floor Animal Lab
Catalyst: Aurumvorax grab
The Gory Details:
So the party was able to easily dispatch the pair of Akairai that escaped from the infernal testing lab and went to investigate the room. The Aurumvorax, dubbed "Mr. Grabby" by it's previous keeper, was munching on some Gearsman parts when the party showed up. Santorum missed his attack roll on the kitty as did the other party members. One full-round into the blender that is 4 claws, 1 bite, and 4 rake attacks (8 hits and 1 critical) and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Thankfully the dose of Cardioamp was able to bring him back from death.

I love the Aurumvorax. Those things are like mini Dire Tigers

Character name: Tómas Zarnovas
Class: Magus 7/technomancer 5
Catalyst: Myrmidon Robot Full attack.

The Gory Details: The party have rallied Hajoth Hakados, Torch, Iadenveigh, and several Kellid tribes to rise up against the Technic League. In response, the Technic League attempted to seize control of Torch to cut off supplies to the rebels. Tómas valiantly faced off against a wing of Myrmidon Robots who had just completed a bombing run on the temple of Brigh. After he shot down one, two others flanked him and full round attacked, taking him down. His body was confiscated for questioning by the Technic League, as the party are known enemies.

Tómas was one of the original party members that united to save Torch. He is survived by his spouse, Claire Zarnovas and their adopted son Caleb. Of the original party, he is survived by Hallee (android witch 13) and Tabitha Redpaw (bard 11/oracle 2)

Liberty's Edge

Character Name: Neron
Class: Titan Mauler Barbarian
Location: Recreation Deck, Divinity Starship
Catalyst: Never Split the Party
The Gory Details: The party had entered the Recreation Deck and met with Deacon Hope. The Living memory had won them over with kind offers and a mostly open philosophical discussion. This ended with the party agreeing to spend the night and have a wonderful breakfast before heading out in the morning, Deacon offered a lovely fruit and vegetable platter.
After spending some time milling about, most of the party went to rest in the upper levels while Neron opted to stay in the Holotheater and have Deacon help with some holograms of his dead family members and barbarian tribe. As the hologram went on, Deacon slowly brought in more and more of his back up and eventually revealed his true intentions. Offering Neron a chance to accept Unity, or be destroyed. Neron, the stoic and defiant Barbarian defied his requests and tried to fight. But, alone and a poor initiative roll meant that Deacon, Metwaska, and his ten Watchful overpowered the barbarian before he could even act. On his final moments he was offered one final chance to join Unity. Neron denied, and was slain.
His body has been taken away, a party member woke after requiring only 2 hours of rest to learn the Barbarian never returned, he woke his companions and began the search.

Neron was an original party member who rescued Khonnir Baine and saved torch, he was named Kevoth Kuls successor after curing the forlorn King.

He is survived by his party members, Kaishim (Archeologist Bard 13/Lore Warden 3), Martin (Life Oracle 16), Maria (Techslinger 16), and Roan (Sacred Servant Paladin 16).
He will also be missed by the NPCs, Paeytr Meracnin (Stormlord Druid 14), Isuma (Techslinger 14), and Casandalee (Sentient AI).

Unit 83-UY Alpha Member (Augmented Gearsman Weapon master Fighter 10) cohort of Kaishim will not miss him, as he is an emotionless robot.

Name: Lilac
Race: Aasimar
Classes/levels: Dawnflower Dervish 4
Adventure: Lords of Rust
Location: Aldronard's Grave
Catalyst: Aldronard

The Gory Details: When the party first heard of Aldronard's Grave, Lilac was excited to meet some fellow Sarenites and possibly exorcise the fallen paladin ghost from the fort.

After dealing with the Smilers and rescuing the few Sarenites that survived their attack, Lilac immediately inquired about Aldronard. After learning about his tragic tale of Justinia perishing while he was away during the second crusade, Lilac and Montaigne (Human Arcanist) tried formulating a plan.

Lilac suggested disguising herself as Justinia, possibly to trick Aldronard into thinking his lost love had forgiven him. However, Montaigne talked her out of it, thinking that the attempt would only serve to anger the ghost even further (to the amusement of the GM). Instead, the pair of them settled on forging a letter from Justinia, writing out her supposed last wishes, then leaving the letter in the chapel during the day, and pointing the letter out to Aldronard at night. Failing that, Lilac would try to convince Aldronard as a fellow Sarenite that Sarenrae has forgiven him. If anything went seriously wrong, the party members would yell "tomato" as an emergency code for Captain Andalen and his men to extract the group.

Night fell, and Lilac entered the chapel, followed by Montaigne and Ping (Aasimar Dual-Cursed Oracle). Bakar (Half-Orc Savage Technologist) and Enoch (Android Bladebound Spellblade Magus) decided to stay in the ruined stables, the former knowing he didn't have any magical weapons to harm a ghost, and the latter for reasons that escape this GM.

Aldronard noticed the three of them, and immediately let out a mournful wail that sent Montaigne and Ping running, both of them screaming "tomato!" as they fled. Lilac steeled herself against the unnerving cry and attempted to point out the letter that lay at Aldronard's feet. The presence of intruders combined with the difficulty of a ghost being able to physically pick up and read a letter led to Aldronard ignoring Lilac and floating to her. Lilac then attempted to use her status as a Sarenite to calm Aldronard down, which proved to be a fatal mistake.

The ghost shrieked "It was for you I came north, Sarenrae! Why couldn’t you protect Justinia? Why did you send me away from her?"

And with arms outstretched, Aldronard plunged his hands into Lilac's chest, stopping her heart cold in one brutal touch. Lilac fell victim to a critical hit with corrupting touch and had failed her fort save, dealing her 12d6 damage.

Captain Andalen and his men were unable to approach the body since there was no one to support a retreat. Enoch and Bakar finally rushed over to the chapel upon hearing Montaigne and Ping's cries for help. The former swung his black blade and force dagger at Aldronard, still hovering over Lilac's corpse. Upon seeing how little damage was inflicted upon Aldronard, the two of them decided to drag Lilac's body out of the chapel.

Lilac's death was thankfully not permanent, as Ping was able to successfully cast their scroll of Ressurrection. Lilac awoke with a start screaming "tomato!"

After Lilac revealed that Sarenrae hinted to her during her brief moment in the afterlife that their first plan would have worked, she punched Montaigne on the shoulder for talking her out of it, and the party made their second plan to exorcise Aldronard, this time without anyone getting their hearts stopped.

Character name: Tizzle
Gender, Race, and Class: Female Rougarou Paladin 2
Location: Black Hill Caves
Catalyst: Sanvil's Betrayal

The Gory Details: The party was on their way back to Torch with a delirious and injured Khonnir Baine in tow, when Sanvil confronts the party and demands they give him all the technological goodies they acquired under threat of violence.

Sanvil starts off the combat with mirror image cast (maximum images possible), but rolls really bad on his initiative, giving the PCs a chance to bum-rush him. The brawler manages to get one punch in and Tizzle the pally closes in as well for a flank but hits an image. Then Sanvil's turn comes up. Feeling cocky, he decides to cast corrosive grasp and channel it through his weapon attack without casting defensively. The attacks of opportunity either miss or hit an image. Then Sanvil makes his attack. One natural 20 and a confirmed crit later, the paladin (who was at almost full health) takes 45 points of damage and is basically cut in half, with half of both torso and legs messily dissolved by the burst of acid. Even though this was over Fantasy Grounds instead of in-person, I can feel the players grimace and wince from the extraordinarily bad luck and sudden death.

Sanvil then nearly defecated himself, facing down a very angry party consisting of a human inquisitor of Sarenrae, a kitsune druid with a grizzly bear companion, a ratfolk techslinger, and a tiefling brawler. Even Sanvil did not expect such a gruesome and devastating blow.

He basically offered up every tidbit the book mentioned in order to try and placate the party into not killing him, and after the gunslinger suggested to cripple his left hand as punishment and Sanvil reluctantly agreeing, arguing it's better than death; it was barely enough to convince them to let him live, though the inquisitor being one of Sarenrae, felt obligated to show mercy.

Fortunately, the party got the scroll of resurrection as a reward for saving Khonnir shortly thereafter and was able to revive the fluffy paladin with no lasting harm done, Joram Kyte providing the restoration casting needed to remove that negative level at no cost.

I might have Sanvil return later in the game with a prosthetic hand. Whether or not he continues to help the PCs though, depends on how they treat him.

Name: Sebac
Race: Human (Werewolf)
Classes/levels: Druid 3
Adventure: Fires of Creation
Location: Engineering Deck
Catalyst: Meyanda

The Gory Details: In my 5e Iron Gods game, Sebak was a White Wolf Werewolf the Apocalypse concept werewolf using a druid class as the mechanical chassis.

The party had successfully taken care of the thylacines and maneuvered to the robotics lab where they successfully shut down all the robots and proceeded to pound the maintenance bots until they were so much scrap.

Unfortunately Meyanda noticed her attendant robot go into sleep mode for its 24 hour Windows 10 update so she gathered the living followers in the Navigation Control Room, and a ratfolk heard the smashing of the robots in the robot lab. Meyanda sent off a group to swing around and patrol and take the party from behind, and did preps to take on the invaders.

When the party entered the Navigation Control Room it was a fight with Meyanda, Gruenthor, and a bunch of fanatics and scrappers.

Soon Sebak in wolf form was meleeing with Meyanda solo and missing with all his big shots and not making much progress with his normal attacks while she pounded on him with her divinely enhanced power glove. She eventually dropped him unconscious, just as Gruethor dropped the party barbarian and it looked grim for the party.

The kobold bard looked over his inventory from up on the balcony and pulled out the box of tech eggs, pushed all the buttons, and threw the whole box down among Meyanda, Gruethor, and the dropped Sebak and party barbarian.

All the grenades went off dropping Meyanda, Gruethor, and very much finishing off both the party barbarian and Sebak.

Name: Maruk
Race: Shifter (Werebear)
Classes/levels: Barbarian 3
Adventure: Fires of Creation
Location: Engineering Deck
Catalyst: Gruethor

The Gory Details: In my 5e Iron Gods game, Maruk was a White Wolf Werewolf the Apocalypse concept werebear using the shifter race and barbarian class as the mechanical chassis.

The party had successfully taken care of the thylacines and maneuvered to the robotics lab where they successfully shut down all the robots and proceeded to pound the maintenance bots until they were so much scrap.

Unfortunately Meyanda noticed her attendant robot go into sleep mode for its 24 hour Windows 10 update so she gathered the living followers in the Navigation Control Room, and a ratfolk heard the smashing of the robots in the robot lab. Meyanda sent off a group to swing around and patrol and take the party from behind, and did preps to take on the invaders.

When the party entered the Navigation Control Room it was a fight with Meyanda, Gruenthor, and a bunch of fanatics and scrappers.

Soon Maruk in shifted raging bear form was meleeing with Gruethor solo and just rolling terribly while the gargoyle pounded on him relentlessly. It eventually dropped him unconscious, just as Meyanda dropped the party druid and it looked grim for the party.

The kobold bard looked over his inventory from up on the balcony and pulled out the box of tech eggs, pushed all the buttons, and threw the whole box down among Meyanda, Gruethor, and the dropped Maruk and party druid.

All the grenades went off dropping Meyanda, Gruethor, and very much finishing off both the Maruk and the party druid.

Character name: Gram
Ancestry and Class: Human Fighter, 3rd level
Location: Engineering Deck
Catalyst: Gruethur the gargoyle's teeth

The Gory Details: The party got into a fight with Meyanda's goons and dispatched them handidly, except... one of the ratfolk managed to escape, avoided an AoO and opened the door to the chapel, pulling Gruethur the gargoyle into the fight. Gram bravely charged forward, even though he was already injured and wounded. The gargoyle was brought down to near death easily enough, but Gram in his last turn decided to go for the finishing blow instead of putting his dueling dance up. His did not live long enough to regret it. At least not the first time, as the party had the raise dead scroll and used it immediately.

Character name: Gram
Ancestry and Class: Human Fighter, 10th level
Location: Choking Tower, Mnemotechnic Recovery
Catalyst: an angry ghost wizard

The Gory Details: Furkas Xoud was really upset that the party stole his spellbooks, so when they got into Lab 0 he unleashed all he had. Gram fell very quickly to a crit failed Phantasmal Killer.

Character name: Talavarik
Ancestry and Class: Elf Sorcerer, 10th level
Location: Choking Tower, Mnemotechnic Recovery
Catalyst: an angry ghost wizard

The Gory Details: After Gram's death, the party decided to pull out, and while most of them had the means and/or the speed to do that, Talavarik did not, or at least his means and/or speed were the worst. Furkas chased him down and Telekinetic Projectile'd him to death.

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Characters: Eliza Lammah, Yetpurnicus Hemlock Tea
Race/Class: Human Witch, Half-elf Ranger
Location: The excavator, Lords of Rust
Catalyst: Kulgara

The Gory Details: The party had been doing well so far, other than the fact that Dinvaya had suffered massive wisdom damage from the Ru-Chalik, and they didn't have a cleric. They handled the creepers relatively well, and they walked through the door into the room with the orcs and dark stalker. A couple rounds later, Kulgara came in and hit the surrounded ranger in the back, downing but not killing him. A couple rounds later, the party paladin took an AoO against the stalker, and it's death throes finished Yetpernicus off. After that, Kulgara charged into melee range with the witch and paladin, Killing the witch in two blows before dying to a smite evil crit from the paladin.

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