Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome |
Hey guys! So, I've quickly put together a gish/ summoning sorcerer for next week, and I'm pretty excited about him. His build is a tad unfocused, and it might be a little flimsy, but of course, you guys know things I don't. Here he is:
Opiferque Infernus
? Sorcerer 1 (I know his race, but it'll be a fun mystery for tablemates)
CN ?
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +3 (1 Rank+ 2)
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat Footed 10 (1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2
Resist Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Morningstar (1d8+3)
Ranged Spear (1d8+3 if melee +1 if ranged)
0 Level: Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Prestidigitation, Light
1 Level: Grease, Mage Armor(Might replace with Summon Monster I)
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Spell Focus [Conjuration], Eschew Materials
Skill Ranks Diplomacy 1, Perception 1; Racial Modifiers +2 Disable Device, +2 Perception
Languages: Common, and one mystery language ;)
SQ Abyssal Bloodline, Bite Attack
Estimated Progression
HD 3: Skill Focus (Knowledge[Arcana]), Demon Resistances Bloodline Power
HD 4: Increase in CHA
HD 5: Eldritch Heritage (Arcane)
HD 7: Improved Familiar, Augment Summoning Bonus Feat
HD 8: Increase in INT
HD 9: Superior Summoning, Strength of the Abyss
HD 12: Increase DEX
At this point, I understand that most people don't exceed level 12, but FORGET THAT. This build only gets better at higher levels.
HD 13: Martial Weapon Proficiency?, Power Attack Bonus Feat
HD 15: Extend Spell Metamagic Feat?, Added Summoning
And THEN I'll most likely retire, after playing him a little bit more. Why cut an awesome character short, you know?
So, this guy will be pretty fun. He'll be pretty mysterious, refusing to let people know what he REALLY is or where he came from. One thing people will discover about him, though, is that is REALLY good at flirting. Like WAY to good at flirting...
Guess that makes him a party face, huh?
But he's also good at summoning, and uses his Demon Claw power as well as a bite to get AoOs with his summons. This is why his strength is so high.
Of course, I don't know everything, so advice is welcome. I'm willing to abandon the gish part of my build and focus on pure summoning. I would indeed love summoning a lot, as this character was once a Summoner class. So, what do you think? I love hearing advice and thank you folks in advance!
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome |
I don't know why don't you put the race here, but if you don't hide a couple things more, is really clear which race did you choose ;)
Lol. I was hoping I didn't give too much away, but it looks as though I did. DON'T TELL ANYONE ;)
Well, I was thinking about it, and with ACG coming out the day after I introduce this char, I think I'll make him a blood rager. This race is amazing for a bloodrager. If only my "special bonus" (I'm sure you know what it is) could apply to bloodrager powers and spells.keerawa |
If you really, desperately, want a familiar, look into the Tattooed Sorcerer archetype for an alternative.
You mentioned either Mage Armor or Summon Monster 1 as a level 1 spell. I wouldn't recommend either. Mage Armor makes a wonderful wand, until you eventually hit a level where it lasts all day. The monsters you summon at level 1 take one full round to create, and only last one round, so they are not worth it until you get a higher caster level. Tattooed Sorcerer also raises your caster level for one school, but I'd suggest waiting a little longer to pick up SM1.
Some good defensive options might be Protection from Evil or Vanish. If you want something offensive, try Burning Hands or (if you have the right resource) Snowball.
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome |
If you really, desperately, want a familiar, look into the Tattooed Sorcerer archetype for an alternative.
You mentioned either Mage Armor or Summon Monster 1 as a level 1 spell. I wouldn't recommend either. Mage Armor makes a wonderful wand, until you eventually hit a level where it lasts all day. The monsters you summon at level 1 take one full round to create, and only last one round, so they are not worth it until you get a higher caster level. Tattooed Sorcerer also raises your caster level for one school, but I'd suggest waiting a little longer to pick up SM1.
Some good defensive options might be Protection from Evil or Vanish. If you want something offensive, try Burning Hands or (if you have the right resource) Snowball.
Oh wow. I forgot about tattooed sorcerer. That's a great idea, thanks!!!
Fomsie |
Brom, just remember that there is a difference between "flirting" and being a "pushy, creepy, leering, perverted walking hormone"... Basically get a feel for your table so you don't come across as one when you are trying for the other. Also, that may not make you an effective face as not everyone or everything would be receptive to flirtation... in fact some situations flirting could possibly work against you. Be cautious and use common sense and moderation.
Also don't get caught in the "I'm a special snowflake sooper sekret character!", idea who gets stuck in the gimmick of being "secret" at the expense actual character development and interaction. "I'm Batman!" works great in comics and movies... not so much in a cooperative game of peers.
In fact, considering that your first statement is that he will be mysterious and no one will know what he is (which would be accomplished with disguises? Heavy cloaks? Tieflings are noticeable and lack the counterpart ability to pass as human) and then you go on to his ability to flirt, and those two things seem at odds. Honestly I think that the Charming Devil (or demon, as the case may be) is a far more interesting concept than the oft over done "Darkity McDark the Dark One" mysterious stranger type. And while the charming masked rogue idea is possible (ala Zorro), it is a little harder to pull off with a Tiefling without far more than an eye mask.
Either way, just make sure that your desire to make the concept is to create an interesting character and not to make something to tweak your tablemates... or GM!
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome |
Well, that was pretty see through. Okay, okay. He's a tiefling...
And he's not pushy and creepy, just very charming and has a natural wit. His mom was a succubus, so he can't really help it.
And while he was going to be mysterious, he wasn't going to be SUPER secretive, just a little apprehensive about telling people about himself. Just scared of judgement and hatred. He also hides his religious views, because he's embarrassed.
So yeah. Honestly though, idk which character I'll be playing. I also have a cold, analytic Daemon-Spawn Investigator who's like a cross between Severus Snape and Shelock Holmes. He's pretty neat.
'Sani |
Brom, when you say 'He's not pushy and creepy, he's charming!' you actually could be wrong. YOU think he's charming, but the rest of your party mates could think he's creepy. How other people view your character isn't something you can control, they are going to form opinions based on how you play them.
And if a guy thinks he's gods gift to women and flirting with everything, a lot of women, and not a few men, will think they are pushy and creepy. And the flirter will likely never realize it until one comes out and says 'Wow, knock it off you creeper.'
Fomsie |
Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting your idea is bad... it's not... I am just trying to ask some questions to see where you are going and pointing out some potential pitfalls to consider so that you don't end up with a character that doesn't quite work or come across the way you intended.
And like 'Sani said, you can't control how others view your character, which is why I just pointed out to make sure you have a feel for the table so that you know how far you should swing the pendulum to achieve the desired effect. Take it from someone who has played a few over the top concepts that I thought were just awesome... unfortunately the rest of the folks at the table had a bit of a different opinion on the matter :P You want to temper your character to fit the table (sure, you can go over the top, just have to realize where that top is with each group) so that you don't rub them wrong or they don't tune you out, neither option which is fun for RP.
I just want you to have a character that you both enjoy and feel good with at the table, that also is the kind that other players not only accept but also look forward to playing with. Especially when you are signed up for my table! I want to make sure the most important rule is followed... that everyone has fun... and I want you to have a a character you are ready to embrace and really step into.
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome |
Well, if they think he's creepy, that's their choice. I can't control them. I've turned him from a half-succubus to a Rakshasa born though, so that might help his "charming instead of creepy" factor.
And hey, after I rebuilt him a bit I got his Charisma up to 20 dangit! That's a very charming young man.
Look, if people think he's creepy, then I can't control that. I'm going to roleplay him as a passionate and elegant Aristocrat who just so happens to be very powerful and have strange powers. If people think his flirting and diplomatic debonair is creepy, that's their problem.
My PFS Lavode De'Morcaine |
Charisma a 20 really means strong personality.
But what they are saying is not that a cha 20 tiefling is automatically creepy. They are saying it depends upon what you as the player are having the character do when you say he is flirting.
"... is that is REALLY good at flirting. Like WAY to good at flirting..."
This sounds to us, reading just the little bit that you've put in this thread, that you will role play the character as actively aggressively flirting with everyone all the time. Have you ever met anyone that actively flirts with everyone all the time? Does anyone else think they are charming? Yes I know they think they are, but does anyone else?
They are not saying to change your description of the character personality. They are saying you as the player need to have a bit of care with how much you push it at the game table.
Also, if your group uses traits, there is a trait called charming that you should look into.
I have a PFS celestial sorcerer that focused on summoning creatures. (Click on the icon to the left for details.) It is not horrible, but it doesn't work out as well as I thought it would. The full round summons and short duration have been bigger problems than I hoped would be the case.
I usually find myself casting buff on spells (like haste), debuff spells (like glitterdust), or control spells (like create spiked pit) rather than summoning a monster.
Don't get me wrong, summoning has been a life saver a couple of times. Once we had a boss creature with very high DR, AC, and immunity to most of our magic. I burned through most of my spell slots summoning lantern archons that slowly pew-pew'd it to death.
Mostly I wish I had either made a debuff sorcerer or an actual summoner. Trying to be some of both hasn't been as good as I expected.
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome |
At this point, I've re-speced from a gish into something else. I was thinking Harrow, but I don't know how useful that is.
I think I might make him an Infernal, and pick up the Tattooed sorcerer Archetype to lose those dumb 1st and 9th level powers. That way, he really can be charming (+2 to the DC of Compulsions? Dang that's good. Class skill is diplomacy? Can you spell "Party Face?")
Imbicatus |
I am just going to point out that the thread title says this is for a PFS game next week. Based on the resistances and bite attack, your mystery race isn't going to be legal for play next week unless you are using GM credit.
Edit: In fact, it's not going to be legal tomorrow. If you want to make a new Tiefling/Aasimar without a boon, you need to play tonight.
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome |
I am just going to point out that the thread title says this is for a PFS game next week. Based on the resistances and bite attack, your mystery race isn't going to be legal for play next week unless you are using GM credit.
Edit: In fact, it's not going to be legal tomorrow. If you want to make a new Tiefling/Aasimar without a boon, you need to play tonight.
Oops, yeah, that was last week. This guy is for today though, so I'm still safe.