Need advice on which system

Other RPGs

Ok before i had my morning coffee i had a good idea (crazy i know!). Ok i had an idea to do a game in the 1800s during the beginning of the industry age. Players would be going against mr hyde and spring heeled jack and more and trailing jack the ripper etc etc. Basically a game to bring in all those old legends or scary tales of old and tie it all together with Yog-Sothoth.
The thing is, outside of pathfinder and d&d i dont really know of any other systems.

Do yal have any suggestions by chance?

Victoriana or Cthulhu by GasLight maybe? Not played them though so cant say much on them

Tyvm will look into those ty

Scarab Sages

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There is also Savage Worlds with the Rippers world setting

Its literally this, you can even lighten it up league of extrodinary gentleman style

heimdallsgothi wrote:

There is also Savage Worlds with the Rippers world setting

Its literally this, you can even lighten it up league of extrodinary gentleman style

ooooh, I'm going to have to check that out. Sounds like something I'd enjoy.

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There is also Victorian age Vampire The Masquerade... One of the best VTM books, combine that with Mage, changeling, and Hunter and you have a cool game.

Actually speaking of World of Darkness, it's new WoD which I know quite a few people don't like, but you might give the World of Darkness: Slasher book a try too. Mainly a Hunter: The Vigil tie in, but it works with the whole system.

World of Darkness: Slasher

And the one that 8th was talking about:

Victorian Age: Vampire Rulebook


It's an adaptation of the Pathfinder system (which you're familiar with) but changes the skills into a more investigative game, where the GM gets to leave bread crumbs for the players to follow and connect.

If you want to ditch PF all together, you could just use Trail of Cthulhu, which is designed for investigative games and is just the GUMSHOE system.

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