So is Fantasy Football D20 system?


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Okay so I was invited to play this office tabletop campaign and I was really surprised to discover that the game is this really weird system that I have never heard of, I was wondering if this is a third party product and if the folks here at paizo have any advice on how to play it. The game system is really popular, I guess, and there are a bunch of Tv shows based on the fluff materials. Apparently it's bigger than Doctor Who and Star Trek which seems unlikely because I did not see an ESPN desk at SDCC, Wonder Con, or APE.

I keep trying to learn the game but it is really weird. Initiative is called Draft Order and has no modifiers, you do not use a d20 anywhere and everyone keeps drafting the same races (human) and the same classes (something called professional athlete). I asked our DM why that was and he got really frustrated and said just draft anyone and I got confused.

So here is my draft order, I was hoping if someone more familiar with the game system could give me some help and critique my choices:

1: Batman- Apparently this is a strategist position and I can't think of a better strategist than Batman.
2: Gandalf- It seems unlikely that Batman will still be available when it comes time for me to draft so I went with a magic user and I narrowed it down to Gandalf or Dumbledore and for me it was a tough choice but Gandalf seems to be the logical choice because he returned from the dead and must have a higher constitution than Dumbledore.
3: Cam Newton- Seems to have a high Wisdom Modifier

Did Not Draft- Saruman, he seems like a choke artist. Failed to defeat Rohan, did not fully utilize Grimma Wormtongue, did not fully manage to defeat the Hobbits, failed to anticipate Gandalf's return from the dead, kind of a drag on Sauron's resources, least effective member of the White Council. Defeated by Talking Trees in the movie and will perform badly against Eli Manning who is basically a talking block of wood.

1: The Flash- People keep talking about rushing yards and if speed is a factor then I want the fastest man in the DC Universe. I would prefer Barry Allen, he seems more focused.
2: Atalanta- I went with the fastest women in Greek Mythology. I could've gone with Hermes but I didn't know if we were using mythic rules
3: Adrian Peterson, again only if we're using mythic rules.

Did Not Draft- Quicksilver: Seems like a douche, probably would cause a conflict with Batman. Also might be a contract dispute at some point. Is he an X-Men or an Avenger? Gonna be a problem that could bench him.

Wide Receiver
1: Bilbo Baggins- I am going small and fast for Receiver. Bilbo is a hobbit and can disappear as a free action. I think stealth is the way to go.
2: R2D2- Again, small and fast...can do anything! Kind of a ringer honestly, I hope the DM is okay with that.
3: Ash Williams- Bonus against undead, high crit rate with ranged weapons, good in tight spots.

Did not Draft- Dez Bryant because this is a Lawful Neutral party and he plays for the Cowboys, who are obviously Chaotic Evil

1: Hawkeye- Accuracy is important in kicking and Hawkeye is pretty accurate, he is susceptible to mind control but I didn't see Loki or Thanos on anyone's roster so I think I'm covered.
2: Oliver Queen/Green Arrow- All round great marksman, already rich so won't go free agent over money.
3: Galadriel- Magic user, also a healer, might be a good spot for her. I think kicker is a favored class for Elves.

Did not Draft- Legolas is overrated.

Offensive Line
Godzilla, Smaug, King Kong, the Hulk- Went with an all monster line up, I hope this is allowed. Also, I do not know what an offensive line is.

Did not Draft- The Balrog because as much as it pains me to admit it, he doesn't do very well during running plays and one of my potential QB choices "does not pass" a lot.

Hercules, Gilgamesh, Thor, Azog- High Constitution, three of them are hybrid magic users, three are Aasimar, one has a loyal animal companion. Azog is an Orc and from what I can tell they get bonus for sacking rolls.

Did not Draft- Ron Gronkowski, could not determine creature type.

Oh, for image tags.

Ah well,

Click here first.

Then here.

Sounds real interesting. I wish someone was willing to tell you the name of the system.

Are you talking about Blood Bowl?

Well done, OP. Well done.

The balrog comment was gold.

ShallowHammer wrote:
Are you talking about Blood Bowl?

It seems like a blatant rip off of Blood Bowl but everyone is human and there are no orcs. there are cowboys and buccaneers.

If there are no orcs how did you draft Azog?

Also, *slow clap*

He said draft whatever, but I am not basing my defense on orcs, I expect my Demi gods to pull us through the big stuff. Kind of like the Ravens.

You might want to have a backup for him anyway. I imagine having him on the same team as Gandalf and/or Galadriel may cause significant in-party conflict.

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Maybe have Chewbacca as an alternate, I bet he and Thor would work well together.

This is fun. I have no idea what's going on but this is fun.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well played, thecursor. Well played.

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