Da G8keepah |
I asked this question over on the Rise of the Runelords Forum but I thought I might get a quicker response here.
I recently picked up the Anniversary Edition and I have noticed something about the two-weapon fighting npcs in the book. They seem to be listed with too many attacks.
Vale Temros' Melee line says "+1 battleaxe +10/+5 (1d8+7/x3), +1 handaxe +10/+5 (1d6+5/x3)."
Teraktinus' Melee line reads "+1 dwarf bane heavy pick +20/+15/+10 (1d8+11/19-20/x4), +1 light pick +20/+15/+10 (1d6+6/x4)."
This seems to indicate that Vale gets 4 attacks with a full-attack action while Teraktinus gets 6. Both characters have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat but not the Improved or Greater versions.
So should their full attack look like (in Teraktinus' case) +18/+13/+8 (1d8+11/19-20/x4), +18 (1d6+6/x4)?
This next part isn't a rules question but I may as well ask you folks what you think, how do you pronounce the "ou" in Karzoug? Is it like in "about" or "soup" or "Doug"?

Joana |

This next part isn't a rules question but I may as well ask you folks what you think, how do you pronounce the "ou" in Karzoug? Is it like in "about" or "soup" or "Doug"?
From here:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:How do you pronounce Karzoug's name? Car-ZOOG orThe first one.Car-ZOWG?

Akerlof |
Rynjin wrote:What level are they?Teraktinus is a stone giant ranger level 2 (14 total hit dice)
Vale is a human fighter 4/ranger 2.
I just ran across that the other day myself. Personally, it depends on what shape my PCs are in when they encounter them: If they're a little underpowered and the fights are already hard for them, I'll run the enemies with the proper TWF rules. If they're steamrolling things, I'll go with the attacks as written and make the extra attacks just to give the PCs some sense of danger. That is, if I don't just rebuild them altogether. Teraktinus might make a good Slayer, or maybe a Swashbuckler? 2 levels of Swashbuckler probably isn't worth it, though. 5 levels seems like a sweet spot, but that puts his CR closer to something more appropriate for the next book. (Unless you have a really strong party.)
Stone Giant Swashbuckler 2, CR 11
Init: +6
Perception: +12
AC: 31, Touch: 12, Flat Footed: 29 (+6 Armor, +2 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Deflection, +11 Natural, -1 Size)
HP 151 (14HD: 12d8 + 2d10 + 86)
Fort: 15 (8+6+1) Ref: 10 (4+3+2+1) Will: 8 (4+2+1+1)
Panache: 2
Special Defenses: Charmed Life (+2 to saves, 3/day), Parry, Riposte, Derring-do
Melee: +1 Dwarf Bane Heavy Pick (+23/18/13 1d8+11 19-20/x4) [+11 BAB, +1 weapon, +1 Weapon Focus, +10 Str]
Power Attacking: +23/15/10 1d8+17 19-20/x4
Fighting Defensively: +19/14/9 1d8+11 19-20/x4, AC = 34
Space 10', Reach 10'
Special Attacks: Rock Throwing
Str: 31, Dex: 15, Con: 23, Int: 8, Wis: 12, Cha: 14 (Swapped Cha and Wis, otherwise same stats as the original)
BAB: +11, CMB: 22, CMD: 35
Feats: Improved Critical (Heavy Pick), Lunge, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (Heavy Pick), <New Feats: Furious Focus, Iron Will, Improved Initiative>
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Climb +12, Intimidate +12, Linguistics +0, Sleight of Hand +6, Perception +12, Stealth +4 (+12 in rocky terrain); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in rocky terrain
Equipment: +2 Chain Shirt, +1 Buckler, Ring of Protection +1, +1 Dwarf Bane Heavy Pick, Cloak of Resistance +1
Hmmm, he looks pretty nasty, especially when compared to a decent baseline 2-hander like Falchion Fred from the DPR Olympics. (Who is the correct level to face Teraktinus.) If I do something like this, I'll test run the encounter against my party's character sheets a couple times before throwing it at them to make sure they can handle it. The guy has the AC of a CR 16 enemy and the damage output of a CR 14 enemy, though the rest of his stats are on par for a CR 11 enemy, however his overall damage output is down from the TWF version.