No chronicle sheet for The Redemption Engine?

Pathfinder Society

I just checked the Additional Resources page, and there's no chronicle sheet listed for The Redemption Engine.

Is this a glitch, or is there really no sheet for it? It seems like all the other novels have one listed.


Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

It is not a glitch. There is no chronicle available for The Redemption Engine as well as a few others currently. It will probably be some time after GenCon before we see any of the updated sheets for the Tales books released after King of Chaos.

Preston Hudson wrote:
It is not a glitch. There is no chronicle available for The Redemption Engine as well as a few others currently. It will probably be some time after GenCon before we see any of the updated sheets for the Tales books released after King of Chaos.

Thanks, Preston! I was surprised there was no sheet available, but I guess the Paizo staff have been a bit busy lately, haven't they?

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