

Scarab Sages

In my home-brew, I plan to conduct a tournament as part of the campaign. My PC's have to find various zodiac stones and one of the draws for the Scorpio stone is a fighting and magic tourney (Scorps love to compete :) ..) anyway...any recommendations on rules for the tournament? Any advice on running a tourney?
All I have right now is Dispel magic will be cast on players before the fight starts to make it an even playing field, no more than one summoned creature (I'm the only spell caster), and if you kill an enemy before giving an opportunity to surrender, you lose one point. Ideas?

Grand Lodge

You might be best off deciding if the tourney is supposed to be a free for all or team matches or 1v1 or whatever first.

Also, you seem to have wandered into the Pathfinder Society Organized Play section of the boards. Youd likely get better answers by posting your question someplace else. :)

Good luck with the game!

Edit: Nevermind, youve got a star, you are probably aware of where you are posting. :P

Kingmaker book #5 had some fast and loose rules for a tournament.

I just skimmed the hardbacks, and it doesn't look like that subrule system made it into any of the books that I could tell though.

Shadow Lodge

Seth Gipson wrote:
Edit: Nevermind, youve got a star, you are probably aware of where you are posting. :P

Star or not (also, they're posting as a PFS character), they're clearly talking about a home game, so asking in a forum about PFS GMing isn't the right spot.

This question would probably be best asked in the Advice forum.

Grand Lodge

You might want to check out the Ruby Phoenix Tournament module for ideas. Lots of good stuff in there, including how to handle buffs.

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