Bard Build Bonanza! [PFS]


Liberty's Edge

So, I'm working on my bard, because I realize that bards are very useful to any group, and play like a support class, which is what I usually play.
So, I've used this CHA Bard build: g6g4/edit

Phenomenal build by j b 200, so lots of love to that guy.

So, my primary is Charasima, then Dex, etc.
I have the Arcane strike feat, and lots of fun little things to make me better. A few quick questions:

1) Should I go Arcane Duelist (your opinion would be even more appreciated if you are a panda and you think we need one).
2) I'm trying to become a Harrower, and I want to be able to by level 6. Do you know of a way to get a 3rd level spell or spell-like ability (I think those count for PrC) before level 6. I do have the Harrow Chosen feat, which allows me to cast Augury 2 times a week, but would that work?
3) Lastly, do any of you bards out there have handy little tidbits or advice? Any items that would benefit me a lot and therefore worth seeking out?

Thanks, as allows for the support and advice, hope to see some cool responses!


Ive gotten a lot of mileage out of my +1 keen falchion. But you need to be proficient to be able to use that.

Liberty's Edge

Carla the Profane wrote:
Ive gotten a lot of mileage out of my +1 keen falchion. But you need to be proficient to be able to use that.

Sadly, as a Varisian, I got screwed over in the Weapon Familiarity Department. If only we gained proficiency in a bladed scarf, I'd be happy.

Liberty's Edge

Well first, your link seems to be the wrong one.

If you were a standard Aasimar, you would have a 3rd level SLA, however, they are going away as a character option in a few weeks, so you would need to play the character (and actually complete a scenario for credit) before the 14th.

What are you trying to accomplish? Over the past few weeks you have seemed to have had ADHD of character creation, posting a different concept every other day... what are you looking for in a build? What do you want the character to be able to do? At 1st level and at 11th? How do you want/plan to play them?

The Harrower PrC doesn't really benefit a Bard well. None of your class abilities advance anymore and the Bard spell progression is slow anyway. You are much better off with a full caster class, because in this case you lose more than you gain.

Also, in a lot of your posts you make comments about what "our group has plenty of xxx type", and aside from that not matching what I see when I am there every week over the past couple of months, it should not be the basis of why and how you make your character. You never know for certain what you will be sitting down with or even how they will play a given class, so it is far more important to make a character you will enjoy playing every game, regardless of who shares your table.

Liberty's Edge

Fomsie wrote:

Well first, your link seems to be the wrong one.

If you were a standard Aasimar, you would have a 3rd level SLA, however, they are going away as a character option in a few weeks, so you would need to play the character (and actually complete a scenario for credit) before the 14th.

What are you trying to accomplish? Over the past few weeks you have seemed to have had ADHD of character creation, posting a different concept every other day... what are you looking for in a build? What do you want the character to be able to do? At 1st level and at 11th? How do you want/plan to play them?

The Harrower PrC doesn't really benefit a Bard well. None of your class abilities advance anymore and the Bard spell progression is slow anyway. You are much better off with a full caster class, because in this case you lose more than you gain.

Also, in a lot of your posts you make comments about what "our group has plenty of xxx type", and aside from that not matching what I see when I am there every week over the past couple of months, it should not be the basis of why and how you make your character. You never know for certain what you will be sitting down with or even how they will play a given class, so it is far more important to make a character you will enjoy playing every game, regardless of who shares your table.

Haha, well... I am pretty bad when it comes to character creation. It's something that I've always enjoyed the most, so I tend to create a lot of new ones. I was afraid someone was gonna call me out on this fact, so I almost didn't make this thread. I probably will take it down. I admit, I sorta have a problem. At least it's a good problem.

I don't know why the link isn't working, I'll look into fixing it.

I don't think I see where you're coming from when you're talking about my group having xxx types, because I don't think I've ever contradicted myself on that aspect. My group has a couple of barbarians, quite a few clerics, at least one druid, a samurai (who's a little too high level for me to play with him on a regular basis), a ranger, sorcerer, and a... a witch, I think...
So we have a lot of spellcasters, some front-liners, and some dex-based strikers, and that doesn't leave too much room for a niche for me. The hardest thing is just finding my niche, and as the second youngest person at our games, being useful is important, or I feel a little out of place. You see what I'm saying?

This character was once a wizard, but I changed him to be more useful. Maybe that was dumb. I probably have some character ADHD, and that could be a problem. I don't know what else to say, except maybe; I'm sorry eh?
I do want to be a harrower, though, so maybe a different class will work better, like an Inquisitor, or something like that.

How about I go work out my shtuff, and then get back to things. I think that'll be beneficial to everyone.

Grand Lodge

Do you know of a way to get a 3rd level spell or spell-like ability (I think those count for PrC) before level 6

Just for your Future Knowledge.

Be a normal aasimar. Daylight is a 3rd level spell as a SLA.

Be a Diviner wizard 1 level with the scryer sub-school. Clairaudience-Clairvoyance is a 3rd level spell.

That is about it that I know of.

Liberty's Edge

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:
Haha, well... I am pretty bad when it comes to character creation. It's something that I've always enjoyed the most, so I tend to create a lot of new ones. I was afraid someone was gonna call me out on this fact, so I almost didn't make this thread. I probably will take it down. I admit, I sorta have a problem. At least it's a good problem.

No one is "calling you out". Plenty of folks, myself included, make dozens of characters that may never see the light of day. What I am doing is trying to ascertain your intention/desire so that I can actually give you advice on the subject, without using the spaghetti method.

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:

I don't know why the link isn't working, I'll look into fixing it.

No idea, it happens often though. The forums can be touchy.

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:

I don't think I see where you're coming from when you're talking about my group having xxx types, because I don't think I've ever contradicted myself on that aspect. My group has a couple of barbarians, quite a few clerics, at least one druid, a samurai (who's a little too high level for me to play with him on a regular basis), a ranger, sorcerer, and a... a witch, I think...
So we have a lot of spellcasters, some front-liners, and some dex-based strikers, and that doesn't leave too much room for a niche for me. The hardest thing is just finding my niche, and as the second youngest person at our games, being useful is important, or I feel a little out of place. You see what I'm saying?

For the first part, it is not that you were contradicting yourself, it is just that assuming you are referring to our group at Hobby Town, I do not agree with your assessment of the character make up. It is far more varied week to week in what I have seen every Wednesday.

For the second part, don't worry about being the youngster or trying to force yourself into a niche to be useful. You are enthusiastic and excited to play, those are good things. Use that to develop a character that you WANT to play because it appeals to you, not anything else. While it is admirable that you would want to make a character to fill a role, in PFS the groups are too fluid and vary week to week. You are far better served in the long run making a character that you want to play, versus one you feel like you HAVE to play.

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:

This character was once a wizard, but I changed him to be more useful. Maybe that was dumb. I probably have some character ADHD, and that could be a problem. I don't know what else to say, except maybe; I'm sorry eh?

Again, nothing wrong with having a ton of ideas, that's great. The only problem is that when you ask for advice, it is a little hard to give it if you can't really give an idea of what you are looking for. Nothing to be sorry about.

Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:

I do want to be a harrower, though, so maybe a different class will work better, like an Inquisitor, or something like that.

How about I go work out my shtuff, and then get back to things. I think that'll be beneficial to everyone.

The only thing that is beneficial to everyone is if you are happy with the character you are playing. Ever been to a game with someone who clearly does not enjoy what they are playing? It can suck the fun out of the game not just for them, but for the people around them as well.

Just try to focus on a character concept from start to finish... not the mechanics, but what you want them to be. What you would like to play. Get a good image in your head, and then look at the game books and see what classes or abilities best fit that vision.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks Fomsie. Jee, didn't even know you were a Panda. Haha. That happens a lot.

So, there are a couple characters I've been thinking of making because I think they'd be fun:

A summmoner, perhaps an aasimer. I was thinking the Story Summoner archetype could be cool, as it allows me to draw cards and change up my various summons, including my Eidolon

A Cartomancer Witch. Actually, I think I have one of these. Yeah, she's a teifling. I'm not too fond of her though, because evil's not my specialty.

A saurian shaman Druid. Maybe an Orc. This was one of the oldest concepts I ever had. That was YEARS ago. Before I knew how feats worked.

One of the new classes, maybe an Investigator (those are super fun), or a Skald.

I'll start throwing some ideas around in my head, maybe get a fresh idea up in there. Summoner seems awesome, especially with that one archetype coupled with the guides I've read. I might be able to get something together.
Thanks Fomsie, didn't mean to be so aback, but I'm used to being on edge online. Not every forum is as loving as this one.

Liberty's Edge

No worries dude, I tend to be snappy as hell online because it is hard to determine a lot without vocal inflection.

All of the ideas seem like they have potential, just make what you think you will have fun with.

My suggestion would be to think up, and maybe even write up, your character concepts as if writing characters for a story.Breath some life into them and then when you have the character formed in your mind, THEN you look at the rule books and figure out what class and such will fit that concept. Don't always go for the low hanging fruit either, sometimes the concept you have might take a few levels to grow into and a class that doesn't seem like a great fit at level 1, might actually blossom into your vision for your character at higher levels.

Liberty's Edge

Fomsie wrote:

No worries dude, I tend to be snappy as hell online because it is hard to determine a lot without vocal inflection.

All of the ideas seem like they have potential, just make what you think you will have fun with.

My suggestion would be to think up, and maybe even write up, your character concepts as if writing characters for a story.Breath some life into them and then when you have the character formed in your mind, THEN you look at the rule books and figure out what class and such will fit that concept. Don't always go for the low hanging fruit either, sometimes the concept you have might take a few levels to grow into and a class that doesn't seem like a great fit at level 1, might actually blossom into your vision for your character at higher levels.

That is a fabulous idea. As an apprentice writer and soon-to be journalist, this would be a very good idea for trying to put my (often scattered) thoughts together.

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