Cuttler |
if during combat, an effect modifies the initiative, does it affect the order of initiative in further rounds?
For example, let's say that a party is facing un big Troll who rolled 13 for its initiative, and the whole party all rolled 12 (very unlikely, but just for the sake of argument). If the party's bard cast good hope during the fight giving (among others) +2 to initiative, does the party's initiative moves up to 14 next round, or its just good for the next encounters?

shiiktan |
Question about initiative numbers - if a person goes unconscious or is killed before their turn, and is brought back to conscious by healing/breath of life after their turn, do they:
A) keep their original initiative?
B) roll a new initiative as they are "re-entering combat?"
C) act on the very next count, since unconsciousness "delayed" them?

dragonhunterq |

I believe you can....actually, I would personally rule that you automatically delay if unconscious...that's what make the most senses
Not really sure I can agree. Remember that 'delaying' is an active tactic. If two people want to delay the person with the better initiative modifier will go last.
Initiative is just a convention to make things easier to keep track of when adjudicating events that, in reality, happen more or less simultaneously.So an unconscious person 'should' keep their original initiative, and as they can't act, they can't delay.
Essentially the same with dead characters too, as I can't think of a good reason to differentiate them and several good and practical reasons to treat them the same.